

英語で世界を広めましょう。 Learn English and broaden your world.

2021-06-06 10:52:56 | 日記
Before I start today's topic, I will explain the photo above. It is called "Laburnam Walk" in Van Dusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver. Every year in May, the golden yellow laburnum flowers will bloom in full creating a tunnel like "Laburnum Walk". The purple balls underneath are Allium, one of the onion group plants. The combination of the two colours provides the utmost floral beauty I have ever seen. May seems to be the most beautiful month in Vancouver. However, if you are planning to come to Vancouver for holiday, I will recommend you to do so in the the summer months like July and August as May weather can be quite unpredictable.

前のブログのタイトルは ”なぜ英語を学ぶのでしょう”でしたが、今回がその答えのひとつです。
The title of my last blog was "Why do we study English?", and this is one of the answers.

If you know English, you can broaden your own world.

For example, you can watch movies, tv dramas, or you can listen to the radio news from almost all over the world.

You can choose books and magazines from much wider selections, and it will be so much faster than wating for the translations. Besides, there are many excellent books that haven't been translated into Japanese
Nowaday, English has been used almost exclusively in the Internet world. If you do a search in English, you canl receive so much more resources than merely relying on Japanese sites.

私は先月からCoursera (coursera.org)というオンラインのコースでYale大学の心理学の聴講を始めています。聴講は無料です。英語を知っていれば誰でも聴講できます。Courseraには世界中の大学からのコースが5,000以上あり東京大学その一つです。。
I started to audit an Introductory course of Psychology offered at Yale University through the Intertnet University Course site called Coursera. Audit is totally free, and anyone can do it as long as you know English. They offer over 5,000 courses from all over the world including Tokyo University.

A few monthes ago, I started rechallenging my French using the online program called Duolingo. They have 37 languages including French, Spanish, German, etc. Unfortunately, there is no English because English is the base language they use to teach foreign languages. However, unlike Coursera which requires univrsity level English, Duolingo's instructions are very simple.

If you know English, not only you can travel abroad freely and can communicate in international occasions, but you can also expand your own world by linking yourself to the whole globe!

なぜ英語を学ぶのでしょう? Why do you study English?

2021-06-04 19:56:36 | 日記

Now some primary school start teaching English from as early as grade one. In that case, people will be studying English for 16 years if they go to university. In our generation, we did not start learning English till first year of the middle school. Even so, we have 10 solid years of English education!


Though we have  spent so much time and efforts, our English doesn't seem to be working when we try to apply it in our daily life.



It is perhaps because English wasn't treated as a living language. Instead it was a mere instrument for passing an entrance exams or improving your GPA(grade point average- almost equivalent to "hensachi" or a standard deviation of the test score).


But I have good news for you! English you have learned at school is not going to be a waste. Although it may seem like  useless in your daily life because of its complex grammar,  long and tedious reading materials and meaningless vocabulary, English is still embedded in you.


If you start learning English again with the right method, your overall English ability will surely improve with the help of  what you have already learnt from before.


(補足ですが)先週の1回目のブログでは写真の説明をしませんでした。あれは今住んでいるバンクーバーのコンドのパティオです。5年前に移って来た時はほとんど何もありませんでしたが、今では念願のEnglish Garden風のパティオになりました。テーブルにラップトップをおいて素敵なプライベートな空間を作りました。。。

(Afterthought) I did not explain to you about the photo on my first blog. It is a patio of our condminium in Vancouver. When we moved here five years ago, there was almost nothing on the patio. Now it started to look like an English garden that I always dreamt of. So, I created a beautiful space for myself with my laptop and a cup of coffee.


However, it didn't work the way I planned. It is a perfect place for my cat to nap. I tried to share the place with her, but as soon as I open the laptop, she kept sitting on its keyboard. I gave up.


When I was working in my patio, it came to my mind that the language learning is just like gardening. If you put your efforts whole heartedly, the plants will grow happily. So, your English learning should be the same way. I hope you will read my future blogs, enjoy studying English, and improve it with confidence and joy.

カナダーバイリンガルの国 Canada - A Bilingual Country

2021-06-02 13:03:04 | 日記




Hello, I will be reaching out to you from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


As you may know, Canada is an English-French Bilingual Country.

私のユーザーネーム”malangue" はフランス語の”ma langue"英語でmy language(私のことば)の意味で、カナダの英仏二か国語国家性を意識して名付けました。

My user name, "malangue" is from French "ma langue" which means my language."  I have deliberately chosen this to reinforce Canadian bilingualism.


Although Canada Is bilingual, the number of English speakers (anglophone) are increasing and Francophone decreasing.


According to Statistics Canada, the ratio of English vs French speakers is about 7:3, and the number of Anglophones will definitely keep increasing in the future.


There are two significant  reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, including myself, there are many landed immigrants from Asian countries such as China, Philippines, Korea, etc., where people have received adequate English education in their original countries. Another reason is since almost everyone uses English for international or intercultural communication. In addition, it seems that English is used exclusively in computer related areas in most languages.


I just wish to clarify that many Quebecois (people who originate from Quebec) are bilingual. In contrast, there are very few English speakers who speak fluent French.  However, most landed immigrants who came from other countries have studied English in their own countries are bilingual and sometimes speak more than 3 languages!


I am hoping that,  through my bilingual blog, you will understand and improve your knowledge of English language and cross-culture issues.


(note) When Canadian government says "bilingual", that means English-French bilingual, while In my blog I will be using the word "bilingual" for Japanese-English bilingual just like the way you use it.