Hello, I will be reaching out to you from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
As you may know, Canada is an English-French Bilingual Country.
私のユーザーネーム”malangue" はフランス語の”ma langue"英語でmy language(私のことば)の意味で、カナダの英仏二か国語国家性を意識して名付けました。
My user name, "malangue" is from French "ma langue" which means my language." I have deliberately chosen this to reinforce Canadian bilingualism.
Although Canada Is bilingual, the number of English speakers (anglophone) are increasing and Francophone decreasing.
According to Statistics Canada, the ratio of English vs French speakers is about 7:3, and the number of Anglophones will definitely keep increasing in the future.
There are two significant reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, including myself, there are many landed immigrants from Asian countries such as China, Philippines, Korea, etc., where people have received adequate English education in their original countries. Another reason is since almost everyone uses English for international or intercultural communication. In addition, it seems that English is used exclusively in computer related areas in most languages.
これは余談ですが、ケベックに住むフランス系カナダ人の多くはバイリンガルです。残念なことに英語圏の人で流暢なフランス語を話す人はほとんど見かけません。ただし外国で育ってカナダに移民してき人のほとんどがバイリンガルまたは3ヶ国語以上の言語を話します。I just wish to clarify that many Quebecois (people who originate from Quebec) are bilingual. In contrast, there are very few English speakers who speak fluent French. However, most landed immigrants who came from other countries have studied English in their own countries are bilingual and sometimes speak more than 3 languages!
I am hoping that, through my bilingual blog, you will understand and improve your knowledge of English language and cross-culture issues.
(note) When Canadian government says "bilingual", that means English-French bilingual, while In my blog I will be using the word "bilingual" for Japanese-English bilingual just like the way you use it.