

カナダってどんな国?      What is Canada like?

2021-06-16 13:22:54 | 旅行
What does Canada remind you of?

Yes, it's a big country. Canada is the second largest country next to Russia. (Japan is 62nd, so small!)

However, since most of Canada is in the Arctic Circle, the population is concentrated in relatively warm areas alongside the US border.

Then how about the population? Though the land size is the second largest, it has only 37 million people making Canada's ranking 39th.

参考までに、一位はもちろん中国(14億5千万人), 2位はインド, 3位がアメリカで日本は11位(1億2700万人)です。
As you know, China has the largest population of 1,441 million people followed by India and then USA. Japan is the 11th with 127 million people.

カナダには10の州と3つの準州があります。州はProvince(発音はフランス語読みのプロバンス)で準州はTerritories (原住民のテリトリーの意味があるので必ず複数形をつかいます)。
There are ten provinces and 3 territories. ”Province" is pronounced “provance” like the French word, Province. Territories have to be always in plural because they consist of different territories, the aboriginal people’s communities.

Let’s look at the ten Provinces from west to east; British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskachewan, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia (means new Scotland), Prince Edward Island (PEI), and New Foundland.

Many Japanese know about “Anne of Green Gables.” However, surprisingly, almost no Canadian knew about it until Japanese tourists started to visit Anne’s homeland, PEI.

Alberta has popular Canadian Rocky Mountain sites like Banff, Lake Louise, and Jasper.

Territories from west to east: Yukon, Northwest, and Nunavut territories.
Many tourists go to Northwest territories to see the world famous “northern light.’

The top three biggest cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Toronto is in Ontario. It has the world famous Great Lakes and the Niagara Falls. Montreal is in the French speaking province, Quebec, and their maple syrups and ice wines are very popular worldwide. Vancouver where I live boasts beautiful scenery, mild weather, and international cuisines.

I will be writing about people and languages of Canada in my next blog.