とっても“こがねい” ( This is Koganei ! )


Disaster prevention drill hosted by Koganei.

2010年09月03日 | こがねいの防犯防災
Koganei city will hold the disaster prevention class for foreign people.

【 the schedule 】
1:00PM, Saturday, October 30, 2010

【 the place 】
In the meeting room of the second floor in west public office building (explanation), and in the parking area in front of the building (experiential session).

【 the content 】
Study meeting, experience of fire truck with tall ladder, earthquake experience, smoke experience, and extinction experience

【 the capacity 】
40 people

【 registration fee 】
Free of charge

【 application 】
Please inform your name, the nationality, the age, the address, and the telephone number to a community cultural section, through FAX(or TEL), in advance of attendance.

【 contact section / Koganei city】

A machine for earthquake experience. The electric scoreboard indicates "level 6" of Japanese earthquake scale.

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