


2008-03-08 | 英語



英訳を読んで意味を思い出すことができます。 この方法は、結構いいのかも。


頻出順 単語           意味
1879 deploy           to move soldiers or weapons into a position
1875 resignation  the act of giving up your job or position
1868 celebrity     a famous person; a star
1865 patriot        a person who loves their country
1852 vow       n   a formal and serious promise, especially a religious one, to do sth
                      v  to make a formal and serious promise to do sth
1850 settlement  1  the action reaching an agreement
                            2  the act of paying back money
1846 infrastructure  the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, etc. 
 as transportation and communication systems, power plants, and schools
1845 assessment  the act of judging an opinion about sth
1844 agenda          a list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting)
1839 acquisition  the act of getting knowledge, a skill, etc.
1838 combination  2 or more things joined or mixed together to form a single unit
1822 sustain         to make sth continue
1822 consequence  a result of sth
1818 explode           to burst or make sth burst loudly or violently, causing damage
1817 elite              the choice or best of anything considered collectively, as of a group
1813 arena           a playing field where sports events or entertainment take place
