
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route


2018年01月21日 21時02分23秒 | Enlightenment&Enjoyment

Scipture reading: Genesis 47:11-27

from this section of the Scripture, we can see that during the seven years of famine, the Egyptian people had to do four things in order to get food supply from Joseph: their money, their cattle, their land, and themselves. In order to receive the life supply from Joseph, they need to pay these price. This is a picture also for us NT believers today. from this paragraph, we can see, that we need to pay the price, that is, our money, our cattle (our means of living), our land (resource), and ourselves to the Lord. the Lord wants to gain our everything, what we are, what we have, and what we can do.  we need to be absolute for the Lord. we need to give ourselves, our eveything to the Lord. in our Christian life, we have to pass such kind of consecration. otherwise, we have no way to go on in the Lord. 

for more detailed reading. please see life study of Genesis message 120


Matthew 15:21-28

this is a story about the faith of a Cannite woman, who came to ask the Lord to heal her daughter. the Lord answered her in a way showing her that she is a gentile dog. the Lord seems to be quite offending. but the gentile woman didn't care about that. actually she replied that even a dog eats the crumbs under the table. the book of Matthew reveals many wonderful aspects of the Lord Jesus, such as Bridegroom. in this section, the Lord used this opportunity to reveal another small aspect, that He is the crumb under the table, small enough for us to eat, especially for the gentiles. He humbled Himself, became so available, even low enough to be under the table, small enough for us to enjoy Him, to receive Him, to take Him in. the woman was asking for healing her daughter. but the Lord answered in a way to show the woman, that the only need is to eat Him as the bread. as long as we take Christ in, all problems will be solved. 

for more detailed reading, please see life study of Matthew message 46


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