
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

God's Need and God's Goal

2023年03月12日 15時14分43秒 | Enlightenment&Enjoyment
we all know that we have a need, but seldom do we realise that God has a need, and God's need is much greater than our needs. God needs a group of people who will be open vessels to receive His infusing and dispensing, so that this group of people can become His duplication and expression on the earth. if our eyes are opened to see such a great need of God, we will be willing to forget and lay aside our own needs, to give ourselves to meet God's need. while we are caring for God's need, God will take the responsibility to meet all our needs, because He is the all-sufficient God, and all the riches of the earth all belong to God the great Creator. 

in order for us to be able to enter into and enjoy all the riches of God and the grace of God, God will allow us to have falls and failures, ups and downs in our human life. it is during these times of failures, trials and sufferings, that our being will become open to God, even just a little crack, which will offer God the opportunity to come into us with His unsearchable riches, with His super abouding grace, to mingle Himself with us. 

why do all these happen to us, God's people? because of God's goal. God's goal is that He would enter into man to be God in man, and man would enter into God to be man in God. 

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