
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

Israel Trip 2018 Repo 2

2018年01月18日 09時16分35秒 | 旅行

just would like to memo down sth before I forget  :-)

1. first, I need to remind everyone who is thinking to go to Israel by Israel Airline, that DO NOT lock your luggage, because they need to open your luggage and do a thorough search for security reason. we didn't know this, so one of our sister's lock got broken. but the interesting thing is, they leave one shekel coin in her luggage, maybe as the apology for destroying her lock on the luggage. I have to say, I went through a very long, thorough and detailed check/questioning before I could aboard the aircraft. They check not only your check in luggage by opening and make everything a mess........they also scan your body and check your carry on luggage. Before we could get to the boarding gate, they brought us into a small and dark room underground. we were asked to take with us only passport, wallet and phone, and leave all other things, i.e. carry on luggage or bag to them. they brought our bags to the other room and searched our bag without letting us observe what happened. after they returned our bags, they asked us to check if anything missing. Also, they asked us a lot of questions, like, why we want to go to Israel? do we know anyone in Israel? what is our itinerary? what do we do in NZ? one of our sisters has been to Malaysia, so she got questioned even more........anyway, if you are planning to go to Israel, be prepared for all these things........

2. I feel that the Lord really loves me so much haha. both on my flight to Israel, and on my return flight to Auckland, I had my own row, so that I managed to lie down and have a kind of comfortable sleep, haha. you know, more than 11-hour flight is not so easy ah. 

3. on the flight from Bangkok to Tel Aviv, we were cofronted with terrible turbulance. at least twice, I felt that the aircraft dropped down from on high. the feeling of lost gravity is really terrible. everyone in the aircraft were screaming.....and I never prayed so hard and so desperate..........you know, just before I got on the airplane, i was pray reading Genesis 5:24 "And Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him." and now, I am in the midst of turbulance, Lord, are You taking me now......I even didn't have a chance to look at the good land!!!!! Moses at least went to the mountain and took a look before he died and was buried. am I worse than Moses??? no chance to take a look and going to die now???????????? of course, we arrived at Israel safe hahaha. I haven't got mature in life, so my time has not come yet. haha 

4. on the last day of our trip, which is 15th, January, we went to the museum, Beit Hatfutsot Museum of the Jewish People. this was out of my plan, so basically the taxi fee and museum entrance fee used up all my cash haha. I was sitting outside the museum cafe for more than one hour. that time there was sth going on in the function room. there was a guy passing by with piles of bread rolls and oranges. I was looking at those food. maybe because I was staring at him too long, he also looked at me. and i guess his os would be "poor Chinese girl, no money to buy food. must be hungry". later, he came back to me, and gave me a big tray of caramel cakes (see photo below), even cutted, with 3 big bottles of drinks, and some cups. he was saying to me " eat, and drink. Israel very good" hahahahahaha, so i got free lunch maybe plus afternoon tea????? thank You Father for giving us food from the heaven!!!   

Also at the museum, I bought one book " Israel, a chronology" at the museum shop. the lady heard that we are a group from NZ, and gave me the book as the gift, on the right (see photo below). the Israeli are really nice and warm people. even the little children on the street will say "Shalon" and "bye" to us. 

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« Israel Trip 2018 Repo 1 | トップ | 杀意集结之夜 BY 西泽保彦 »


