
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

China Trip Day 14

2023年10月21日 21時51分00秒 | 旅行
Super bad headache when waking up in the morning 
I think the altitude sickness finally caught up on me 
Tried the medicine recommended by pharmacy and slept the whole morning 
Didn’t have a final view at Shangri-La

Got into car and arrived in Lijiang 
I think the sickness has gone 
Though not sure because of the effect of the medicine 
Or because Lijiang is only 2400m above sea level compared with Shangri-La around 3400m above sea 

Had the typical local 驴肉hot pot for dinner 
Heard it is good for body haha
Tried the home made peach flower wine
Dared not to touch any alcohol at Shanghai-La in case it would trigger altitude sickness 
Now should be fine 

Took a night walk in Lijiang Old City

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