
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

Israel Trip 2018 Repo 3 - Mahane Yehuda Market

2018年01月20日 17時28分43秒 | 旅行

Mahane Yehuda Market

more infomation please ask Wiki

basically is the first place we went to in Jerusalem, apart from Ramada Hotel, where we dropped our luggage

the market is 3 stastions away from our hotel by light rail. the light rail is what we call here "tram". you can use card, like our AT hop card to tag on, no need of tagging off. they only have one price seems. for us, we just buy tickets at the self-service machine. they do have some people who will get on the rail randomly and check if there is someone who didn't buy the ticket. 

we got off at Jaffa street, and walked into the market. the market is filled with all kinds of booths, like selling vegetables, olives, fruits, dry fruits, baked bread, souvenirs, and also tea. haha, I got some pomegranate tea there, really nice. another sister got some giner and honey tea, good for cold, since quite a few got cold there, for the day we arrived, was windy, rainy, and foggy. there are many tourist, and also locals who come here to buy stuff. on one hand, it is like our 菜市场, where locals go for grocery shopping; on the other hand, it is like flee market, where the tourists bargain and get souvenirs. quite an interesting place. 

the market was not so big as I thought. we walked around, maybe 1 hour?? you can finish looking at the entire market. of course, if you need to buy sth here and there, it will take long time. you need to go through different shops to find the best you can get. 

what impressed me at the market is that, all the fruit is really big. the pomogrannate is as big as the face of a sister, haha. now I believe the bunch of grape that the 12 spies brought back really needed two people to carry. Numbers 13:23 "Then they came to the Valley of Eshcol, and from there they cut down a branch with a single clster of grapes; and they carried it on a pole between tow of them...." it is huge enough for two people to carry, because they are so BIG !!!!


we also had lunch in the market, found a little, not really little restaurant. what impressed me is that they give you pancake plus 10 side dishes, see the photo below just by these I felt that I am already full, haha

this is my main course, Jerusalem mix + frenchfries

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