
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 11,07,2023

2023年07月11日 19時37分30秒 | ministry of word
The cross denotes death, whereas the Spirit denotes resurrection. The life we God-men live in the Body of Christ should be a life of death and resurrection. Death brings us out of Adam, out of the old creation. Christ's death terminated the old creation, which includes us. Today the life that we live in the Body of Christ is a life of being delivered out of Adam and the termination of the old creation. However, this is merely the negative side. We still have the positive side of entering into Christ and the new creation. On the cross, Christ terminated the old creation for us that we might be delivered out of the realm of Adam; in resurrection He has made us alive and has brought us into His new creation. It is in the new creation that we can accomplish God's economy. 
- " the Governing and Controlling Vision in the Bible" P67
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