
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 09,08,2020

2020年08月09日 11時40分05秒 | ministry of word
As the Son of God, Christ was anointed by God to become God’s Christ, His anointed One. In other words, God’s Son, as God’s anointed One, was entrusted and sent by God to do His work and fulfill His plan. In the Godhead He is the Son of God with God’s life to express God’s glory; in God’s plan He is also the Christ of God to do God’s work and fulfill God’s will. According to what He is, He is the Son of God who expresses God; according to what He does, He is also the Christ of God to fulfill God’s plan. Through Christ as the Son of God, we know God. Through Christ as the Christ of God, we see God’s plan. In the Son of God we have God Himself; in the Christ of God we share in God’s plan. 
- "Christ and the Cross" PP 12-13
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