
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route


2019年09月11日 10時23分00秒 | ministry of word

We must submit our mind to the Lord’s mind, our emotion to the Lord’s emotion, and our will to the Lord’s will. Let us simply submit to Him. If we love the Lord in such a way, we will give Him the liberty, ground, and opportunity to occupy one part of our being after another. Our problem is that although we have been regenerated and have a heart that loves the Lord, we do not love the Lord to the fullest extent. As a result, it seems that the Lord does not have the chance to do anything in our mind, emotion, and will. The reason the Lord does not have the ground to occupy our mind is that we simply do not love Him much.
- “ the Believer’s Experience of Transformation” P38
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« MOW - 11,09,2019 | トップ | Philippians 3:15 »



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