
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 06,12,2018

2018年12月06日 17時30分26秒 | ministry of word

How do we know that our service is of spirit and life? This requires us to live the crucified life to be conformed to Christ’s death and thereby manifest the power of Christ’s resurrection from us. Furthermore, we need to let others see that we are those who live by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Therefore, our living shows whether our service is of spirit and life. We must live in the shadow of the cross daily. I am not, but the Lord is—not I, but Christ. He is everything, and everything is of Him. Both in our daily living and in our activities in the meetings, we need to be living and full of the Spirit.


- a General Outline of God's Economy and the Proper Living of a God-man P67

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