
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 14,04,2021

2021年04月14日 11時18分17秒 | ministry of word
One assuring thought is that God is not only the God who redeems us but also the God who preserves us. 
God is saving people everywhere. He does not save them and then throw them away. He wants to preserve what He has saved. Since God has saved us, He will preserve us. Since God has redeemed us, He will preserve us until that day. God loves us so much that He was willing to forsake His Son to redeem us. If He had no intention of preserving us, He would not have paid such a great price. It is God’s purpose as well as His plan to preserve us. 
Commit yourself to God. God knows that you need support, comfort, and protection. We have the assurance to say that God preserves man’s salvation. This preservation makes redemption meaningful. 
- "Messages for Building Up New Believers" vol 1 chapter 4
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