Save the Dugong Campaign Center(SDCC)

No to Military Base YES to Dugong Protection Area!

1,000 people gather in front of Camp Schwab gate to celebrate 500 days of sit-in

2015-11-27 14:41:51 | article

  Citizens protesting against new base construction in Henoko gathered in front of
  U.S. Marine Camp Schwab’s gate, Henoko, Nago on the morning of November 18.

November 18, 2015 Ryukyu Shimpo

A sit-in protest against construction of a new U.S. air base to replace U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Ginowan marked 500 days on November 18. About 1,000 protesters, including prefectural council members, municipal assembly members, and those in citizen groups gathered in front U.S. Marine Camp Schwab’s gate. They staged a huge sit-in protest for three days. The participants formed groups to sit in front of the three gates of Camp Schwab and along the national highway. As of 9:45 a.m., anti-riot police officers from the Okinawa Prefectural Police and Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department had not shown up in front of the gate. And trucks loaded with construction materials did not enter the base.

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