嗚呼、リア充 (元・迷惑メール博物館)


I boycott the movie the burry's father taken part in

2012-07-21 20:22:16 | 大津市いじめ自殺事件

    In Japan, there are full of articles about suiciede cause of bullying in Otsu city.
    The crime is distinguished by the bullys' and parents' luck of a sense of guilty feeling.
    It is said that one of the parents take part of making a movie well known in the world and gaven foreign prize. 

    I know the art and crime are otherthing. I know that the art mustn't be  regarded with the artist's personality.

    But, I can't forgive for seeing the movie and giving him a chance to live without admittion his son's crime  as a person.
   It is a reason why I boycott seeing the movie, and I boycott going to the theater where the movie was shown.   
