Can you really enjoy . . . ?
Can you really enjoy having your eyes get heavy and start to shut?
Can you really enjoy going deeper . . . 本文を読む
Some people . . .
Who are those some people?
The first thing a person does is to check inside to see of they are one of those people, so giv . . . 本文を読む
You might not have noticed . . .
~ に気付いていないかもしれません。
You might not have noticed how often you direct other people's awareness while you are talking to them.
あなたが人に話しかける間に、どれほど人々の意識を方向付け . . . 本文を読む
Try to resist . . .
試しに ~ に抵抗してください
Try to resist implies that you will try, but you won't be able to do it.
「試しに ~ に抵抗しなさい」は次のことを含意する:「あなたは試みるだろう、しかしそれをすることはできないだろう」。
You can use your vo . . . 本文を読む
Eventually ...
Eventually everythig comes to pass.
Eventually what I want to direct your attention to will probably come to pass as well.
いずれは、私があなたに注意を向けて欲しいこと . . . 本文を読む
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