Step 4: Direct Statements or Suggestions
While metaphors provide a gently indirect or permissive way to help clients discover more about themselves., the potential value of straight . . . 本文を読む
「本など読んで何になるのか、いわんや論文なんて!」「英語でなんか読んでも、催眠かけるのは日本人だし、使えないじゃないか!」といったよくある反応にはいくつか答えようがありますが、実のところあまり行われていません。多くの場合、「本読み族」と「本読まず族」の部族間抗争のようになってしまって、相手に対する無理解がますます露見するだけ、お決まりの感情的なやり取りの後に残るのは、砂をかんだような思いと徒労感 . . . 本文を読む
You can ________, because.....
Here's that because word again.
ここでも再び、魔法の言葉because ~なのでが登場する。
You can just use it and discover how powerful it is, because . . . 本文を読む
RE:Erickson, the master hypnosist. エリクソンは、マスター・ヒプノティスト(達人催眠家)か? (つづき)
But I will also add that well in keeping with the contents of many his early scientific articles, I witnessed some masterful hand . . . 本文を読む
Step3: Metaphorical Guidance
The most ambiguous metaphers are called general purpose metaphers. These matephors contain ideas and suggestions which are relevant to the full func . . . 本文を読む
One could _______, because.....
Because is the magic word, because it lends emotilnal credibility to whatever goes before it.
Becauseは魔法の言葉である。というのは、Becauseの前 . . . 本文を読む
RE:Erickson, the master hypnosist. エリクソンは、マスター・ヒプノティスト(達人催眠家)か? (つづき)
Other factors that probably contributed to Erickson's fame as a hypnotist include the fact that most of those attending his semin . . . 本文を読む
RE:Erickson, the master hypnosist. エリクソンは、マスター・ヒプノティスト(達人催眠家)か? (つづき)
Erickson was particularly adept at capitalizing on anything the subject did and building it up into more than it was.
エリクソンは特に、被 . . . 本文を読む
Step3: Metaphorical Guidance
Metaphors, anecdotes and allusions are used during hypnotherapy for the same reason that they are used in nontherapeutic setting, i.e., because they comm . . . 本文を読む
RE:Erickson, the master hypnosist. エリクソンは、マスター・ヒプノティスト(達人催眠家)か? (つづき)
I particularly have in mind a filmed demonstration Erickson gave in either Chicago or Philadelphia that was filmed probably in th . . . 本文を読む
Step2: Trance Induction
The purpose of any trance induction proceduress is to provide instructions and stimuli that promote entry into the trance state of passively focused inner awarene . . . 本文を読む
RE:Erickson, the master hypnosist. エリクソンは、マスター・ヒプノティスト(達人催眠家)か?
He also was a skilled showman.
There is little question that the title resulted from his demo . . . 本文を読む
Step 1: Transition Into Trance
The first time a hypnotherapuetic trance is used with a client it is appropriate to initiate the transition from an ordinary conversation into trance wor . . . 本文を読む
A person might, <name>, _______.
Say the name close to the second half of the sentence, and it becomes a personal embedded com . . . 本文を読む
RE:Erickson, the master hypnosist.
By the late 1950's Erickson came to be givien the title of "Mr.Hypnosis", so impressive were many of his demonstrations.
1950年代後半までには、と . . . 本文を読む