
usyukuro sound space

The Boy that Kraken-Meme Bite(For 2nd album)zizek in coma

2016-04-13 21:30:56 | Weblog
The Boy that Kraken-Meme Bite(For 2nd album)zizek in coma

Song title:The Boy that Kraken-Meme (Did)Bite
(For Zic 2nd album)
The band:zizek in coma
zizek in coma is dark dense band since it,
formerly members of Dia,Overdose Kunst,
Nukey pikes(Now replaced),KolSonzlgn.
2011 nwobhm era guitarist ;mickey Nakayama
belongs to zizekin_coma .

[track FRom Zic new album (2nd)]
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