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◇Today's a la carte by genre-Ⅳ

2017年02月01日 19時39分25秒 | Reference

◇Today's a la carte by genre-Ⅳ

政 治

可惜しい年金New pension fraud161220-c~161127-c §61

ああ心中湾Ah, a bay where Japan and the US committed suicide together161229-e~161208-a §66

自民党スマップ細胞事件The Incident of Jiminto Smap Cell161231-e~160130-a §68

I'm not エイブI'm not ABE 170102-e~151226-d §69

アベノ果実Fruits of Evil 170107-d~160706-a §72

公迷党Troublesome political party 170108-l~161228-f §73

下村地検事件Troublesome political party 170111-f~170105-e §74

アベノミクスキャンダルAbenomix same as candle  before the justice wind 170123-g~161111-a §77

自民二回感じちやう 170131-d~170120-d §81

放 送

 NH刑NH death penalty161221-d~160623-b §62

赤坂逆さか放送局Akasaka inverted broadcaster170129-e~151213-e §79

安 保

 かけつけ稽古An excuse for war's preparation tidibit161223-j~161110-b §63

防衛省・沖縄防霊局The Okinawa Bureau for Exorcism of Ministry of Defense170122-e~160517-a §76


経 済

 電気イス事業連合会Electric Chair Business Federation161227-c~160623-e §64


五 輪

 森の膿塩水競技場The pus which floats in the forest of the seaboard  stadium161228-h~161025-c §65

  JO恥JOC no shame161230-e~161105-b §67


司 法

最高再犯所Supreme Court repeating a crime170104-g~151221-c §70

皇 室

すめらぎの命ないもの会議Conference to liquidate Emperor without permission170106-d~161229-b §71

行 政

エセ文殊省Ministry of Fake Education170121-e~161030-b §75

出 版

習刊読売切Bitter weekly magazine which is published in a custom170127-b~160314-a §78

都 政

習刊読売切Aborigines first170130-b~170118-a §80

§61~§81… 170131-d~151213-e

written by uMe Hasewo by the name of ウメはせを

◇Today's a la carte by genre

◇Today's a la carte by genre-Ⅱ

◇Today's a la carte by genre-Ⅲ