Piyo Piyo uMe A la carte sections

ぴよぴよウメ アラカルト・セクション

PiyoPiyo uMe A la carte section 132

2017年10月30日 21時34分51秒 | PiyoPiyo uMe A la ca


Piyo Piyo uMe A la carte sections


(◆The political party without politicians◆)


これからは代議士要らぬA I で  ぴよぴよウメ171009-aハ
自民党死んで新党無民党  ぴよぴよウメ171009-aセ
人間が機械に使はれる社会  ぴよぴよウメ171009-aヲ
A I と私が憲法決めていく  ぴよぴよウメ171009-bハ
A I の希望通りに生きていく  ぴよぴよウメ171009-bセ
A I と私が愛を広めてゆく  ぴよぴよウメ171009-bヲ
A I と私が働き方改革  ぴよぴよウメ171009-cハ
子育てもA I がするママ楽チン  ぴよぴよウメ171009-cセ
A I が残業するので過労死ゼロ  ぴよぴよウメ171009-cヲ
教育はA I 任せで無償化に  ぴよぴよウメ171011-bハ
全員がタダで東大入る世に  ぴよぴよウメ171011-bセ
希望者はハーバードにも入れる世  ぴよぴよウメ171011-bヲ
年金を納めず貰ふきみの名は  ぴよぴよウメ171022-cハ
墓場まで幼稚教育無償化へ  ぴよぴよウメ171022-cセ
日本を守るきみを準強姦  ぴよぴよウメ171022-cヲ
A I にすれば議員歳費ゼロ  ぴよぴよウメ171023-aハ
A I にすれば退職金もゼロ  ぴよぴよウメ171023-aセ
A I にすれば選挙もすることなし  ぴよぴよウメ171023-aヲ
A I と私がいればいふことなし  ぴよぴよウメ171023-bハ
A I と私が排除するねえムーミン  ぴよぴよウメ171023-bセ
A I と私が作る夢民党  ぴよぴよウメ171023-bヲ
無民党だけが自民の対抗馬 ぴよぴよウメ171028-fハ
ねえムーミンこっち向いてホイ無民党 ぴよぴよウメ171028-fセ
A I な無民党もAYな ぴよぴよウメ171028-fヲ
気がつけば日本にロボットだけが棲み  ぴよぴよウメ171030-bハ
気がつけば日本はTHAADだらけの島  ぴよぴよウメ171030-cセ
気がつけば憲法窮状米国法  ぴよぴよウメ171030-cヲ
求人はすべて機械で無民党  ぴよぴよウメ171030-dハ
自民党やがて合流無民党  ぴよぴよウメ171030-dセ
日本の烏有にキッス無民党  ぴよぴよウメ171030-dヲ



2017年10月29日 03時32分47秒 | PiyoPiyo uMe A la ca


現代でハセヲを名乗れるほどの者は私を置いて他にはいまい。それで、ウサギの詩人として「ウメはせを」を称名した。「Poetic justice wind」「PiyoPiyo uMe a la carte」「Poetic justiece a la carte」「Angry uMe」はすべて私の俳句作品である。時事俳句という、川柳も越えた新しい俳句の創作をこの世に残しておこう、それが子規に対して呼応した伊予人の矜持だ。短歌も二千首めざして四十歳の時に公表した。これを超えてくる歌人は当分でないだろう。そして俳句も同じ程度数残そうと考えたが、五千句をとうに超えてしまった。ここいらで、「ウメはせを」としての序文を初めてしたため、一区切りとしたい。



uMe Hasewo こと 山 野 菊 吹  拝 

Got a late foreword  from heaven

I was born in the land of Iyo and started haiku from the age of seven, so I thought on a young day to want to exceed Masaoka Shiki  who is senior of the hometown. The person who thought would like to exceed him who was able to live only about 35 years has at least a native person of Iyo like the number of stellar one. It  is understood by the fact for which this was very difficult and which those who is called 俳聖(an excellent haiku poet) do not yet come out It was only natural that I who transcended Shiki in twenties was disliked from Parnassus. Because there were no poets that could creat with three poetic forms, except for me ....Those who are enough to name Haseo in modern times have not placed me other. So I named me myself as a rabbit poet "Ume Hasewo". "Poetic Justice Wind", "Piyopiyo uMe a la carte", "Poetic justiece a la carte" and "Angry uMe" are all my haiku works. I want to leave the creation of a new haiku called current affair haiku beyond Senryu satirical haiku in this world. It is the pride of Iyo's poet who responded to the poet Shiki. In the 40 year old generation, I have released tanka of Two thousand poems. The poet who comes over the quality of  this works wouldn't also appear for tens of years. And I thought a haiku also left the same quantity, but  I created five thousand haiku already At this point, I write preface by "uMe Hasewo" for the first time and want to pause.I would like to thank all readers who have quietly read the work of the rabbit poet who the author is unknown name and thank you again. Finally, my appreciation turns into too late preface.

  October 19, 2017

                 Japanese poet Kikusui Yamano or "uMe Hasewo"     

                              respectfully yours    

■Today's a la carte  ver.170222は移行します

2017年10月27日 00時33分51秒 | PiyoPiyo uMe A la ca

 Today's a la carte 



◆新党加計問大党④ ぴよぴよウメ171027-a  
The political party which has a great question at a incident of Kake school)

◆浅はかさサカス④ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ1701026-a 
(◆Awful shame of Akasakas) 

◆準強姦傍観菅房長官④ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ171025-c
(◆Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga with hiding rape sin) 

サクラ策③ ぴよぴよウメ171025-b
(◆The plan to make fake cherry blossoms bloom)

小迷党 ぴよぴよウメ171024-b 
(◆Small Delusional Party)

無民党⑦ ぴよぴよウメ171023-b 
The political party without politicians)  

◆…だからクジ③ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ171022-b  
... Therefore it is a lottery)

◆ハゲの皮③ ぴよぴよウメ171021-c 
(◆Wolf wearing a little sheep's clothes)

残念なテレビ④ ぴよぴよウメ171010-b
(◆unfortunate TV)

◆アベノミクス-マイナス法案⑧ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ171002-c
(◆Abenomics-Minus law bill)

◆盛りDe Oympic③ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170928-b
(◆The muddy Olympic with suspicions)

◆必殺仕事死人内閣③ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170928-a 
(◆Death of the cabinet which should work by all means)

元々官ポロ長官④ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170925-c
Person who was fundamentally unsuitable for Chief Cabinet Secretary)

◆余党連合⑥ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170908-a  
(◆Japanese Trade Union Confederation that became government's slave) 

◆新聞死協会④ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170905-a  
An organization of journalist who faced the death of newspapers) 

◆紛い物が次々出てくるアベ政権⑧ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170830-a
(◆Abe Administration with many imitations and crooks)

 ◆お笑い内閣総理大臣杯⑤  ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170825-a 
(◆The medal issued by the Cabinet that is being laughed at by citizens) 

◆こんな非道たち③ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170713-a
(◆Such unreasonable people)

◆文科の回心③ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170703-b
(◆Redo of MEXT)  

◆狂同通信⑧ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170702-a
(◆Co-lunatic communication) 

◆自死通信④ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170608-a  
(◆Suicide by the mass media)

◆日本ハジノ維新④ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170524-a
(◆Shameful revolution in Japan)  

◆iPsもんじゅ⑧ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170519-d 
(◆Induced pluripotent nuclear plant) 

◆ニッポン罪団⑥ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170519-c
(◆Sinful Japan Foundation)

◆必殺-2!! 自民印象捜査③ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170402-a
(◆An assassination technology of the LDP called impression investigation)  

◆天り下り⑥ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170401-a
(◆Golden paratroops into heaven)  

◆ロト口惜し④  ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170330-b 
(◆People who win lottery everyday)   

◆政官財共同謀議罪⑤  ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170316-e 
(◆Joint conspiracy sin for politicians & officials & economic people)

◆yABEe国防軍阻止⑥ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170313-d   
(◆Stop Dangerous Defence Force) 

◆反省なき司法⑥ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170305-a 
◆The judiciary without the remorse)

◆大阪都事情百条委員会④  ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170304-a 
(◆The committee which punches Osaka 100 times because they do not want the capital city Osaka) 

◆失敬新聞②  ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170303-g 
(◆Economic newspapers which lost sight of economy) 

◆都庁百畳委員会③ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170216-h
(◆Tokyo Metropolitan Government Committee for doing 100 times slaps)

◆昔の事件喜捨② ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170204-f
(◆A journalist who erased old incidents)

◆靖国賽銭泥棒⑤ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170126-c
(◆Donation thief by the name of Yasukunijinja)

◆ジュニア金融庁⑥ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ170111-c
(◆Financial Services Agency which even the Junior can do)

◆新説プッチン大臣③ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ161112-a
(◆New theory Putchin pudding Minister)

◆立法府の超詐称事件④ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ161101-a
(◆Ultra-falsification incident of the legislature)

◆徴兵経済同友会⑤ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ160831-f
(◆The Japan Conscription Committee for Economic Development)

◆アベリーマンショック死相④ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ160818-a
(◆The minister who will die in Abe Lehman shock)

◆東京新党② ⇔ぴよぴよウメ160730-b
(◆Tokyo New Party)

◆そんなパナマ⑥ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ160704-d
(◆Oh, absurd Panama)

◆ケセラセ-ラムーン③ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ160522-e
(◆Que Sera, Sera-Moon)

◆怪進撃の巨人③ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ160417-b
(◆Attack No.1 suspicious Titan)

◆自民党辛死録⑦ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ160410-m
(◆Who's who which is a painful death in the Liberal Democratic Party)

◆自民党粛除録③ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ160325-a
(◆Who's who can not admit as a lady other than a woman of the Liberal Democratic Party)


As one for uMe's world 


 uMe Hasewo critique171007amuMe Hasewo critique171025am


Today’s a la carte ─ Reference-XIII

2017年10月22日 17時48分44秒 | Reference

Today’s a la carte ─ Reference-XIII


(The whisper of swindlers like an angel)

(Desperation measure to defend this country)

(lethal pledge)

(Own convenience of LDP and Komeito)

(Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office with dead virtue)

(Dissolution of the National Assembly due to Abe's self-protection)

(Is Olympic torch is justice or evil? That is the question)

(Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications which ignores citizens)

(Eternal trouble by slip of tongue)

(Collapsed Government)

PiyoPiyo uMe A la carte section 131

2017年10月20日 16時53分17秒 | PiyoPiyo uMe A la ca


Piyo Piyo uMe A la carte sections


(Diet member election to decide by rock-paper-scissors◆)


グーチョキパー大義を決めるジャンケンポン  ぴよぴよウメ171012-cハ
ジャンケンで決めるABE総選挙  ぴよぴよウメ171012-cセ
グーチョキパー愚直に国をグチョグチョ愚に  ぴよぴよウメ171012-cヲ
グーチョキパーこの国守る愚直パー  ぴよぴよウメ171012-dハ
グーチョキパー愚直に稲穂に公約す  ぴよぴよウメ171012-dセ
グーチョキパー稲穂は朋美のコスプレか  ぴよぴよウメ171012-dヲ
グーチョキパー平和拳法いづれにや  ぴよぴよウメ171012-eハ
グーチョキパーいづれの政党護れない  ぴよぴよウメ171012-eセ
グーチョキパー国民をまず平手打ち  ぴよぴよウメ171012-eヲ
グーチョキパー消費税で改憲を  ぴよぴよウメ171013-aハ
グーチョキパー「政治は国民のもの忘れ」  ぴよぴよウメ171013-aセ
グーチョキパー自公に清き偽票を  ぴよぴよウメ171013-a
ジャンケンポン相子でしよいえハゲ子です  ぴよぴよウメ171013-bハ
ジャンケンポン安倍派議員のパンチでしよ  ぴよぴよウメ171013-bハセ
グーチョキパーたれかグーでたれかパー  ぴよぴよウメ171013-bヲ
三極が見事にグーチョキパー選挙  ぴよぴよウメ171018-aハ
誰がグー誰がパーかはすぐ分かる  ぴよぴよウメ171018-aセ
総括のできない与野党共チョッキン  ぴよぴよウメ171018-aヲ
そこ切っちゃいやよとパーが言ったのに  ぴよぴよウメ171018-bハ
チョキさんは自分で自分切っちゃったと  ぴよぴよウメ171018-bセ
グーさんも言えた義理かよ石頭  ぴよぴよウメ171018-bヲ
グーチョキパーラストアイドル与野党の  ぴよぴよウメ171020-aハ
グーチョキパー黙っておれも俺俺サギ  ぴよぴよウメ171020-aセ
グーチョキパー最初はグーでも最後はパー  ぴよぴよウメ171020-aヲ
グーチョキパーAkBE僧選挙  ぴよぴよウメ171020-bハ
愚チョキパー守り抜くこの国のAKU  ぴよぴよウメ171020-bセ
グーチョキパーで回れば勝つKAKEゴルフ  ぴよぴよウメ171020-bヲ
グーチョキパーどの国をまず守り抜く  ぴよぴよウメ171020-cハ
グーチョキパーどの顔でさて守り抜く  ぴよぴよウメ171020-cセ
グーチョキパーどの声をより守り抜く  ぴよぴよウメ171020-cヲ