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◇Today's a la carte by genre-Ⅲ

2017年01月25日 05時49分46秒 | Reference

◇Today's a la carte by genre-Ⅲ

皇 室

戦前退位Abdication as valid symbols before the war160818-e~160804-b §41


五 輪

アマリオオリンピアンA marionette Olympian160903-a~160830-a §42

池の中の五厘Olympic like five-1000ths yen coins which fell into the pond161204-c~160803-a §56

財 界

大手町兵団連Otemachi army corpses160912-d~151018-e §43


司 法 

黒魔法法務省Ministry of Black Magic Justice160919-e~150916-b §44

甘利な検察庁The Public Prosecutor's Office which covers up a crime of Abe161103-e~160530-a §54

内 閣

進撃の朋美ちゃんMarching aunt Tomomi161015-b~150812-b §45

アマリリス事件Amarillis flower sucked the sweet juice161018-c~160915-a §48

安倍高村統一教権政治Dictatorial government by Abe & Komura who are Unification Church devotee161022-d~160315-a §49

政 治 

可惜しい働き方Miserable way of working161016-g~150927-a §46

白痴領収証The idiotic receipy161023-b~161007-b §47

次の可惜しい働き方The future of Miserable working style161220-c~161016-h §55

可惜しい年金New pension fraud161220-c~161127-c §61

警 察 

 機動隊戦士ガッデムRiot police soldier”God Damn You160919-e~151105-a §50


都 政 

 太陽の気絶Swoon of the sun161025-f~161004-b §51


通 信 

 時事イ通信Old Geezer Newsletter161026-c~160220-f §52


行 政 

 総無省Ministry of No More Internal Affairs and Communications161029-b~151214-b §53

 内閣縫製局the Cabinet Sewing Bureau161210-a~151209-a §58

 博徒経済産業省Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for Gambler161213-e~151209-a §59

宗 教 

 行き渡る国Ministry of No More Internal Affairs and Communications161206-b~160731-a §57

法 案

 カジノ用心Be careful the fire at a casino of Abenomics161217-e~151203-b §60


§41~§61… 161220-c150916-b

written by uMe Hasewo by the name of ウメはせを

◇Today's a la carte by genre

◇Today's a la carte by genre-Ⅱ

