What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

The probability of an accidental coincidence

2020-03-29 06:06:06 | 日記

Sunday, 29th of March, 20202

A man phone me, ”Mr. Uemori, is it possible to occur such a thing?"

"What's happen, sir?" said I.

"I rended my Terafight Himiko to an acaintance. Then a 6-year-old boy, who could not have spoken from birth to that time, became to speak just by applying the Terafight Himiko to his throat, I heared."

”Aha, that's good!”

"Is this possible to happen?" he said.

"Even if this occured coincidentally, it is good." I said to him. After hung up, I was still happy vicariously.

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