What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

I rushed to Kanakurasan Konzōji Temple during the Bon holiday

2020-08-16 18:06:06 | 日記


Sunday, 16th of August, 2020

The three Mt. Kōmyōzans (光明山) form a special triangle which has inner angle of 50 degrees, 60 degrees, 70 degrees, so I looked up where the center of gravity of the triangle is, and I found a temple of the Kōyasan Shingon sect (高野山真言宗) there.

Then I visited that place yesterday.

It was the temple of Kanakurasan Konzōji (金蔵山金蔵寺), founded by Ennogyōja (役行者).

In the main hall of the temple, there is Kōmyōin (光明院).

If Ennogyoja (役行者), Gyoki (行基) Ennin (円仁) had come there, then undoubtedly both the Hōdō Sennin (法道仙人: Dharma Dao Hermit) and Kukai (空海) had come to Kinzōji Temple (金蔵寺).

It is an extraordinary place where important secrets are hidden.


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