天瀬ひみかのブログ 『不思議の国のAmase』 AMaSe IN WONDeRLaND


Important Notice to People All Over the World

2015-05-15 22:52:31 | 日記
Last Updated: July 20, 2015

The total amount of RT of my blog has reached 78,000! Thank you for sharing my information!


I have recently been analyzing Steve Jobs’ life using Cordology. I should be able to upload my analysis of his destiny soon. Don’t miss it!

On May 18th, I tweeted my prediction” Greece will not break away from EU. The economic collapse of Greece will be prevented.”

On July 13th, this prediction has proven to be correct. This was not predicted by any experts over the world.

Hello! My name is Himika Amase (@nekomimimikon)and I am a Japanese prophet.

Since September 3, 2013, I have been publishing real time predictions on Twitter.

I have made some 273 predictions, including the hijacking of Malaysian Flight 370, the
exact date of an extraordinary speech by Pope Francis, and the explosion caused by
nuclear fuel that leaked underground from a damaged reactor at the Fukushima Number
One Nuclear Power Plant.

These were all live predictions on Twitter, which would have been impossible to publish
after the incidents took place.

My most recent prediction was made on April 20 about the huge amount of radioactive
water leaking from eight drain pumps in the Fukushima plant’s reactors. I made a
detailed prediction on the day before the event, and it turned out to be true. On April 21,
TEPCO announced that the pumps used to drain rainwater at the plant had stopped
working, causing radioactive water to flow into the ocean.

My predictions are based on an innovative etheric energy prediction system that
I invented, which is called Cordology. My current plan is to build a smartphone app based
on Cordology so that people can tap into this wonderful system and predict the future
from the palms of their hands. In order to make this dream a reality, I am seeking investors
who are enthusiastic about bringing the power of Cordology to an easy-to-use app.
The ideal investment starts at Three hundred million yen (300,000,000 yen), with specifics
to be negotiated. I am proposing to 7.5% of the revenue generated from the smartphone
app in Japan for the first 15 years.

Currently, the maximum a party is able to invest is 1.5 billion yen(1500,000,000 yen).
The profit yield for a person investing that amount is 37.5%.

My first goal of highly accurate predictive system for smart phone app is as follows:
Achieving total selling more than 4.8 billion yen at minimum within the first two years.

one app (4,000yen) × one million, two hundred thousand (1,200,000) downloads=
4.8 billion(4,800,000,000)yen=38,592,000 USD

I am looking forward to hearing from the wonderful people who have the keen foresight to
take advantage of this great investment opportunity. When you contact me, please write
“predictive app investment” in the subject line. Communication can be done in Japanese,
English, or Italian.

You can read more about my predictions on the major Japanese curation website 
[NAVERまとめ]NAVER Matome,in the section titled [もはや世界最強!?]
(“Is She the World’s the Most Accurate Prophet Now?”).
This section is the top ranked in the search results for the phrases “predictions” (予言 in
Japanese) and “prophet” (予言者 in Japanese) on NAVER Matome. Right now, this
information is only available in Japanese, but I am planning to add English versions in the

Also, currently my Twitter account @nekomimimikon comes in 1st place in Google search
results of “予言者” a Japanese word which means a prophet.

About Me

I'm planning to create to make an app based on the most accurate predictive system.
The app is targeted for Japanese consumers, but if I were to generate substantial
amount of revenue in Japan, I'd like to create the app for American and European consumers.

As a real-life prophet, I began making my predictions on Twitter in September 2013,
a platform where it would be impossible to publish predictions after events take place.
From then until today, 273 of my predictions have turned out to be real. The following
were especially noteworthy:

The luck of Prime Minister Abe representing the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan in 2015
is code 239 which “begging for saving one’s life.”
Therefore, I am inferring that his management of politics will be unbelievably difficult.
From June to September 2015, he will be under much duress and significant damage
will be brought to Abe -October 21st, 2014 Prediction  

I predicted nine months ago from now prime minister Abe will face major problems from
the period of June to September. My predictions were proven to be correct as two incidents
which damaged Abe administration took place in June.  

The first incident was the leakage of an enormous amount of personal information
pertaining to the Japan Pension Service.  The second incident was during the Commission
on Constitution.  Three Constitutional Scholars stated that the bills from the security
legislation submitted by the Abe administration to the Parliament session was found

Due to the two incidents, the approval rate of Abe Cabinet declined immensely and
marked the lowest record since the formation of Abe Cabinet. The following are reports
by media about the incidents.

-On May 27th, Japan Pension Service was hacked from outside, and the personal
information of 1,250,000 people became public.  The government announced the incident
took place on June 1st, but the media is criticizing the government for covering up
the incident from the public for four days. Lawmaker Kazunori Yamai from an opposition
party, Democratic Party of Japan stated that this was a complete utter cover-up and
an unprecedented situation.  Nikkan Gendai- June 5th, 2015

-In response to the the personal data that went viral from the Japan Pension Service,
the government decided to postpone the voting on a legislation.  The legislation
proposes to protect citizens information in relation to tax numbers and welfare.  
The coalition government was originally aiming the legislation to be enacted by
the beginning of June. Unfortunately, there were no alternatives but to give up on
the proposal due to the timing of the accident.  News 23-June 9th, 2015

- On June 3rd, during the Commission on Constitution, all three constitutional
scholars declared that new security system which approves the Self Defense Force
to use armed force is deemed unconstitutional.  The Liberal Democratic Party (L.D.P.)
which lead a powerful government wound up digging their own grave.  After this
incident took place, the opposition parties are attacking the L.D.P. for the security
legislation viewed as unconstitutional.  This major precedent is posed as a significant
disadvantage for the L.D.P. The Liberal Democratic Party managed politics smoothly
before the two major incidents have weakened their party.  However, the strong sense
of cautiousness started flowing within the L.D.P. in June.  Paranoia lead the Liberal
Democratic Party to be  exposed over the security system and the leakage of
information in relation to pension. -TV Asahi  June 5, 2015

-The major ripple effects have been caused by incidents, where the three constitutional
scholars invited to the Diet known as “the new security system” unconstitutional.  
The coalition government is putting their best effort forward to compensate for those
major incidents that were a major blow to the L.D.P.  The government has its back to
the wall as the legitimacy of security legislation is in limbo. -TBS TV June 5th, 2015  

-Due to the influence by the three constitutional scholars invited to the Diet meeting,
the coalition government decided to give up on voting for the new security legislation
until the end of June (the end of the current Diet session).-News 23 June 9th, 2015.

-According to the survey conducted between June 20th and 21t, the approval rate of
the Abe administration dropped immensely to 45% in May, which marked the lowest
approval rate since the Abe administration started.  This was consequently due to the
leakage of personal information from Japan Pension Service, the new bill of security
legislation which included the approval of the collective self-defense.
-Asahi Shimbun, June 22, 2015.

-The leakage of information from the Japan Pension Service, the new security system,
the scandals of ministers, and the culmination of these problems have made it difficult
for Abe. This situation which the Abe administration is facing is similar to the situation
eight years ago, when Prime Minister Abe himself resigned to escape from problems
that he was facing. Political analysts have already started guessing who will be
the next prime minister. -NEWS Post Seven June 23, 2015.

“Revision of Security Legislation”, Abe Faces Crisis with his Gambit in Jeopardy

As voices claiming that Abe’s new Security Legislation is unconstitutional continue
to grow, the Abe government’s approval rate has dropped in recent months.
Prime Minister Abe has shown irritation in regards to the recent drop.
If the debate on the security legislation is prolonged until September,
the illogicality of his position in regards to the legislation will have more time to be
conveyed to the public, and his approval rate will likely continue to decrease. Recently,
Abe has shown increased frequency in leaving his seat to use the restroom during
parliamentary debates.It is possible that Abe’s chronic intestinal illness is getting worse
due to the stress caused by the staunch defiance against the bills of security
by the citizens and opposition parties. It seems as if Abe is up against the wall.
―Nikangendai June 23, 2015.

The likelihood of terrorist attacks in the US by Islamic extremists will rise during the period
before and after May 21st. The US is most likely to be the target of the terrorist attack, while
France is second most likely to the target.ーPredictions made @ 20:21 on May 19th.

The terrorist attacks have been planned, but it’s not certain if the plans will be carried out.
If police and intelligence agencies sense the movement, and if they were able to carry out
means necessary such as arresting the people who planned the terrorist attacks,the attacks
may be prevented. My predictions can prove to be actual events during the period in which
I predicted. They also can prove to be correct as the release of news of what happened in
the past.ーPredictions made @ 20:32 on May 19th.

Bin Laden bent on spectacular US attack until the end: files

The likelihood of terrorist attacks by Islamic extremists are rising between May 20th and
22nd and the period before and after that.The US is most likely 2b targeted while France is
the second most likely, but the both countries can be targeted as well.ーMay19th prediction

The terrorist plots by the extremists are setting a building on fire or an attack with explosives,
but people can be attacked as well.ーMay19th prediction

The terrorist plots are planned as protest against insult towards their religion, in the French
caricature magazine, Chareles Hebdo and the caricature events took place in the US.
ーMay19th prediction

Student receives death threats after publishing school paper supporting Charlie Hebdo |via
@Telegraph 23 May 2015 telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews

CNN: Capitol Police destroy pressure cooker in suspicious car on National Mall Updated May 25, 2015 cnn.it/1FKGfSI

Fighter Jets Scramble Following at Least 6 Reports of Threats to Passenger Planes, Officials Say - ABC News abcn.ws/1EuuYkc

On May 25th, 2015 at 21:02, Amase predicted that there is a possibility on terrorist attack on
the following day. Cordology showed her code 65 which indicates terrorism and code 223
which indicates a terrorist, a terrorist attack with a bomb, a terrorist attack against a car or
other transportation systems.

The news was released by CNN on May 25th at 18:25 at US Eastern Time.When Amase
predicted the event, 21:02 on May 25th was 08:02 on May 25th US Eastern Time which
means that she predicted approximately 10 hours before the release of the news by
CNN on alleged terrorism using a pressure cooker in Washington.

Amase’s prediction on warning the possibility of France being target of terrorism proved to be
correct by the bomb threat against Air France flight.

I predicted as follows on May 24th: Tomorrow, on May 25th, Iraq Security Forces will embark on
attacks against ISIS with its full scale,and the attacks will continue until around May 26th. On
27th, the prediction proved 2b correct in the news below

On May 24th at 19:37, I predicted that Iraq Security Forces will embark on an operation to
recapture Ramadi with its all might and Iraqi Force will succeed in it. It looks like the
situation is unfolding in the exact way that I predicted. See the news:
Iraqi Army and Shiite Militias Begin Push to Take Ramadi From ISIS MAY 26, 2015

Today, on May 25th, the possibility of US air strikes on ISIS by fighters or unmanned aircrafts
is rising. Another possible option for the US is to decide that they will consider seriously
whether they will do the airstrikes.ーPredicted on May 25th, 2015 at 04:03

My prediction proved to be correct in the following news: Iraqi Military started operation to
recapture Ramadi which a US spokesperson “welcomed” On May 27th, 10:30,
Asahi Shimbun reported that the US will strengthen its support for Iraq Security Force with
training and providing armaments to help them counter attack ISIS. The US will continue on
airstrikes without deploying ground forces.

•The solar code (code for the year) which represents Hamilton's this year is 319.

The lunar code (code for the month) is either 157 or 158.
Strictly speaking, I cannot say whether these codes are solar codes or lunar codes conclusively.
It is because I need the time of his birth in order for me to figure this out.
Therefore, I have to infer whether I should use the solar code or the lunar by the indirect
inference method.
Whether I use the solar or the lunar, I can say for sure that he is in the mode of luck where
he is likely to invite bad luck.
In contrast, Rosberg's luck is stable. I assume that the reason for the stability is his solar code
(the code that indicates the luck of the year) is 124 which stands for a victor.The symbolic
image of 124 is " a elderly man dressed formerly stands between a quarry that he captured on
his travels for hunting he and a trophy."
However, this prediction is based on the method of indirect inference as I do not know the time
of his birth. -Predicted on June 7th at 00: 31.

In the race of Austrian F1 GP which took place on June 21st, Mercedez's Nico Rosberg won 
beating his team mate, Hamilton. 
Hamilton committed a failure to cross the white borderline unintentionally, and received
penalty for adding extra five seconds
which became substantial disadvantage for him.
The Guardian
Nico Rosberg seizes Austrian F1 GP from Lewis Hamilton at first corner

Formula1 @F1
HAMILTON: "Nico did a fantastic job. I had a really bad start. After that I was pushing as hard as I could."
ROSBERG: "It's an awesome feeling to win again here. I started well and was able to defend my position"

•Big disturbance is likely to happen in F1 Grand Prix in Canada which is going to be held
between June 5th and 7th. I’m concerned about Mercedes’driver, Lewis Hamilton because
he is likely to have an accident. Among the three days of the race, the accident is most likely
to happen on June 6th, and second most likely to happen on the 7th. Predicted on June 4th
at 05: 06

Just as I predicted, on June 6th, Hamilton crashed into barriers, and his machine was partially

•On May 25th, at 8:56 pm, I predicted “ there will be a terrorist attack in a place for
socialization in the Middle East.” In the midnight of May 26th, a terrorist attack actually
took place in a guest house for foreigners in the district where embassies were.
This incident was broadcasted on May 27th.

•On February 20 and March 6, 2014, I predicted that a hijacking would take place.
As predicted, a Malaysian airliner crashed on March 8, as a result of a suspected hijacking.

•On December 19, I predicted that Pope Francis would make an unusual speech criticizing
the Vatican on December 22, 2014, which he did.

•In 2013, I repeatedly made predictions that underground explosions caused by fuel
leaked from a reactor of Fukushima Number One Power Plant would happen between April
and May of 2015. Now, rumors are circulating in Japan that fuel leaking from the reactor is
causing explosions.

•On April 20, 2015, I accurately predicted the leaks of radioactive water from eight drain
pumps at the Fukushima Number One Nuclear Power Plant. On the next day, April 21,
the leaks were publicly confirmed.

•I made predictions below on January 3rd, 2015.”The news story about British prince
Andrew was used to be a client of a prostitution ring will be broadcasted more intensely on
January 5th, 6th and 7th adding new shocking exposes. Moreover, on January 6th or before
and after that, a social position of someone in power in the United States will be threatened
due to sex scandals.”Just as her predictions, on January 6th, a scandal of former US
President Bill Clinton was reported where he had a friendship with an American billionaire
Jeffrey Epstein who owned a prostitution ring.

In addition to the examples above, there a lot of predictions left which proved to be correct.
Also, all the predictions are made by Cordology which is an innovative predictive system.
If you use a regular fortunetelling, the result of the fortunetelling on one issue often
ends up differently among several fortunetellers whom a client meets.

Since Cordology draws an answer of the fortunetelling based on the accurate predictive
logic with consistency, it always draws an accurate answer consistently whoever uses
Cordology. Therefore, there is no room where personal thoughts of a fortuneteller can

I am currently ranked first in the search results of one of Japan’s biggest curation sites,
beating out many other famous fortunetellers.

I’ m suffering from severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).

It’s very difficult for me to live in Japan where the amount of usage of pesticides per land
is the highest in the world. I’m fighting the danger of my life every day.

In exchange for this agony, I believe that God gave me a special gift of prediction.
I finally created Cordology after studies of many years and difficult trials and errors.

Therefore, I don’t want it to come to nothing after I die without being noticed by anyone.

My earnest wish is to meet wonderful investors and complete making Cordology app
and then move to a foreign country with clean air to recuperate and work on advancement of Cordology.


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the number of RTs (Naoko Yamagishi)
2015-06-18 18:14:51
At the end of the comment, there's a twitter box showing 1.8万. It means 18,000RTs. 1,000RTs r increasing daily!