

Lexicon generum bivalvium (Z)

2018-01-28 16:45:22 | 日記

Zachsia (f.) Bulatoff & Rjabtschikoff, 1933, Zool. Anz., 104: 166, type-species (SD Habe, 1952, (3): 255) Zachsia zenkewitschi Bulatoff & Rjabtschikoff, 1933, 104: 170; Teredinidae. Possibly named after Zachs; -ia. ザクス氏に因むか;フナクイムシ科ネムグリガイ属 301

Zesolemya (f.) Iredale, 1939, 5(6), Moll., part 1: 232-233, type-species (OD) Solemya parkinsonii E. A. Smith, 1874, 2, Moll.: 6, pl. 3, fig. 1, New Zealand; Solemyidae. The genus is proposed for Neozelanic (New Zealand) species; Solemya Lamarck, 1818, 5: 488-489. ニュージーランドのキヌタレガイ類;キヌタレガイ科 12

Zirfaea (f.) Gray, 1840, ed. 42: 154, nomen nudum, name only; 1842, Syn. Cont. Brit. Mus., ed. 44: 76 (fide Vokes, 1980: 188); 1847, pt. 15, for 1847: 188, type species (SD Gray, 1847, pt. 15, for 1847: 188) Pholas crispata Linnaeus, 1776, ed. 12, 1(2): 1111; Pholadidae. Possibly from L. sirpea, a basketwork of rushes, but most likely an artificial word without meaning (Emerson & Jacobson, 1976: 445). イグサで編んだ籠を意味するラテン語のsirpeaに由来するかもしれないが、意味を有しない人造語の可能性が大らしい;ニオガイ科ニオガイモドキ属 290

Zopoteredo (f.) Bartsch, 1923, 36: 96, type-species (OD) Teredo (Zopoteredo) clappi Bartsch, 1923, 36: 96-97; Teredinidae. Zopo-, derivation unknown; Teredo Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 651. 語源不詳;フナクイムシ属. フナクイムシ科ニヨリフナクイムシ属300

Zozia (f.) Winkworth, 1930, Proc. Malac. Soc. London, 19: 15 (fide Vokes, 1980: 153), new name for Azor (Leach MS) Brown, 1844, ed. 2: 113, non J. de C. Sowerby, 1824, 5: 91, objective junior synonym of Azorinus Récluz, 1869, 27: 67; Solecurtidae. Zoz-, derivation unknown. 語源不詳;キヌタアゲマキガイ科ズングリアゲマキガイ属 225

新年会のはしご;Lexicon generum bivalvium (Porterius-Propeamussium)

2018-01-28 06:50:57 | 日記

Lexicon generum bivalvium (Porterium-Propeamussium)

Porterius (m.) Clark, 1925, 15(4): 79-80, type species (OD) Barbatia andersoni Katherine van Winkle, 1918, 1(2): 81-82, pl. 6, fig. 2, Oligocene Washington; Parallelodontidae. Porter; -ius. シコロエガイ科シコロエガイ属  42

Portlandella (f.) Stewart, 1930, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Spec. Publ., (3): 38, 61 (fide Vokes, 1980: 7), type species (OD) Leda rosa Hanna, 1927, 16(8): 271, pl. 25, figs. 4, 6, 9 and 16; Nuculanidae. ロウバイガイ科(ベッコウキララガイ属)  26   
Portlandia (f.) Mörch in H. Rink, 1857, (4): 93, type species (SD Evans & China, 1966, 23(1): 33-34, ICZN Op. 769) Nucula arctica Gray, 1824: ccxli; Nuculanidae. ロウバイガイ科ベッコウキララガイ属 26

[Posidonia (f.) Cavolini, 1805, 2: 95-96. 植物の学名、動物の学名のホモニムとはならない]

Posidonia (f.) H. G. Bronn, 1828, Zeits. für Min., 1: 262 (Herrmannsen, 1847, 2: 328) or 268 (Sherborn, 1929, (20): 5121;Vokes, 1980: 48), type species (M) Posidonia becheri Bronn, 1828, Zeits. f. Min., 1: 269 (fide Sherborn, 1924, pt. 4: 678); Bronn, 1837: 9, pl. 2, figs. 17a-b; Posidoniidae. Gr. Posidon, nom. prop. myth. (Herrmannsen, 1847, 2: 328). 海の神ポセイドンの二枚貝;ポシドニア科

Posidonomya (f.) Bronn, 1834, 1(1): 88-89, 164, 342, objective synonym of Posidonia Bronn, 1828. Gr. Posidon, Neptune; Mya (Fischer, 1886: 959), or Gr. -acis, a mussel (Pliny) (Woodward, 1868: 489). 海の神ポセイドンの二枚貝;ポシドニア科

Potamocorbula (f.) Habe, 1955, 64(9): 271-272, type species (OD) Corbula amurensis Schrenck, 1867, 2: 584-586, pl. 25, figs. 5-8 [= Schrenck, 1862, 4: 412-413]; Corbulidae. L. potamus, Gr. potamos, a river (Liddell & Scott, 1953); Corbula Bruguière, 1797, 2: pl. 230. 河のクチベニガイ属;クチベニガイ科ヌマコダキガイ属  282

Potiarca (f.) Iredale, 1939, 5(6), Moll., pt 1: 274, 284, type species (OD) Potiarca pilula saccula Iredale, 1939, 5(6), Moll., pt 1: 284-285, pl. 3, figs. 17, 17a; Arcidae. Gr. poti, in reference to, connection and engagement with (Liddell & Scott, 1955); Arca Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 693. フネガイ属に関連して、フネガイ属との繫がり;フネガイ科タマサルボウガイ属  37

Pretostrea (f.) Iredale, 1939, 5(6), Moll., pt. 1: 397, type species (OD) Ostrea bresia Iredale, 1939, 5(6), Moll., pt 1: 396-397, pl. 7, fig. 4 [= Ostrea folium Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 699, type species of Dendostrea Swainson, 1835: 39]; Gryphaeidae. ベッコウガキ科カキツバタガキ属 Stenzel (1971, 3(of 3): N1157) notes O. bresia Iredale is synonymized by Mytilus cristagalli Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 704, Iredale’s species   107

Pristigloma (f.) Dall, 1900a, 14(4): 44, new name for Glomus Jeffreys, 1876, [4], 18: 433, non J. Gistel, 1848: xi, Coleoptera; Sareptidae. L. pristis, is, a sea-monster (Lewis, 1915); Glomus Jeffreys, 1876, L. glomus, eris, n., a clew, ball made by winding (Lewis, 1915), a ball of thread (Jeffreys, 1876: 433). 海の怪物の糸球、糸毬(女性形に変えた?);ヒラソデガイ科トメソデガイ属 16

Pristipagia (f.) Iredale, 1936, 19(5): 281, type species (OD) Pristipagia gemonia Iredale, 1936, 19(5): 281-282, pl. 21, fig. 6, Sydney Harbour, New South Wales; Tellinidae. Pristis Lamy, 1918a, 24(1): 29; (1) Gr. pagios, fixed, firm, solid, steadfast (Liddell & Scott, 1953), (2) Arcopagia Brown, 1827: explanation of pl. 16, figs. 8-10. 固定した、普遍のイチョウシラトリガイ属;ニッコウガイ科(イチョウシラトリガイ属)  198

Pristis (f.) Lamy, 1918a, 24(1): 29, type species (T) Tellina pristis Lamarck, 1818, 5: 531, no. 41; non Pristis H. F. Linck, 1790, 6(3): 31, Pisces; Tellinidae. Anagram of L. pistris, is, f., sea monster, whale, shark (田中, 1966), or L. pistrix = pistris, icis, f., sea monster, whale, shark (Lewis, 1915). 海の怪物pistrisの綴り替え(アナグラム)、模式種Tellina pristis Lamarck, 1818より;ニッコウガイ科(イチョウシラトリガイ属)  198

pro Gr. pro, for, in lieu of, instead of (Liddell & Scott, 1953). の代わりに

Promantellum (n.) Iredale, 1939, 5(6), Moll., pt. 1: 383, 385-386, type species (OD) Promantellum parafragile Iredale, 1939, 5(6), Moll., pt. 1: 386, pl. 6, figs. 10, 10a; Limidae. Gr. pro; Mantellum [Mörch, 1853], (2): 57. Mantellum [Mörch, 1853]の代わりに;ミノガイ科(ユキミノガイ属)  102

Pronodluaria Wu et al., 2016, Mitochondrial DNA, part A, vol. 27: 4520-4521 [error pro Pronodularia Starobogatov, 1970].

Pronodularia (f.) Starobogatov, 1970, Fauna of molluscs and zoogeographical regions of the continental lakes in the world: 66, 285, type species (OD) Unio japanensis Lea, 1859, 11: 153; Unionidae. Gr. pro; Nodularia Conrad, 1853b, 6: 268. Nodularia Conrad, 1853bの代わりに;イシガイ科(マツカサガイ属)  115

prope L., near, near by. すぐ近くの、近隣の

Propeamussium (n.) de Gregorio, 1884, 3: 119, type species (OD) Pecten (Propeamussium) ceciliae de Gregolio, 1884, 3: 119; Propeamussiidae. prope; Amusium [Röding, 1798], (2): 165. Amusium [Röding, 1798]の近くのもの;ワタゾコツキヒガイ科ワタゾコツキヒガイ属 77

Lexicon generum bivalvium (Propeleda-Psammocola)

2018-01-27 07:49:49 | 日記
Lexicon generum bivalvium (Propeleda-Psammocola)

Propeleda (f.) Iredale, 1924, 49(3): 181, 186, type species (OD) Leda ensicula Angas, 1877a, for 1877: 177, pl. 26, fig. 27; Angas, 1877b, for 1877: 193; Nuculanidae. prope; Leda Schumacher, 1817: 55, 172-173. Leda Schumacher, 1817のすぐ近くの;ロウバイガイ科ヤナギバソデガイ属  23

Protapes (m.) Dall, 1902, 26(1312): 362, type species (OD) Venus gallus Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3277; Veneridae. Gr. protos;Tapes Megerle von Mühlfeld, 1811, 5(1): 51. 原始のリュウキュウスダレガイ属;マルスダレガイ科サラサスダレガイ属  265

proto- Gr. protos, first, foremost (Stearn, 1983); Gr.Proto, filia Nerei (Herrmannsen, 1847, 2(3): 335). 最初の、主要な、原始の;ネレイスの娘

Protocallithaca (f.) Nomura, 1937, Saito Ho-on Kai Mus. Res. Bull., (13): 10, type species (OD) Venus adamsii Reeve, 1863, 14, Venus pl. 17, sp. 77, Japan; Veneridae. proto-; Callithaca Dall, 1902, 26(1312): 364. 原始のエゾヌノメアサリ属;マルスダレガイ科(エゾヌノメアサリ属)  251

Protocardia (f.) Beyrich, 1845, Jahrg. 1845: 17-20, type species (SD Herrmannsen, 1847: 336) Cardium hillanum J. Sowerby, 1813, 1: 41, pl. 14, fig. 1; Cardiidae. Gr. protos, primus; Gr.cardia, the heart, cor (Herrmannsen, 1847, 2(3): 336). ワダチザルガイ科  171

Protothaca (f.) Dall, 1902, 26(1312): 364, type species (OD) Chama thaca Molina, 1782: 203; Veneridae. proto; La thaca, a bivalve in Chili. チリの二枚貝、原始のla thaca;マルスダレガイ科  251

Protoxylophaga (f.) Iw. Taki & Habe, 1945a, 14(1-4): 112-113, type species (OD) Xylophaga tomlini Prashad, 1932, 53c: 317, pl. 7, figs. 9-10; Xylophagaidae. proto; Xylophaga Turton, 1822: 253. 原始のチョウチョウキクイガイ属;キクイガイ科トムリンキクイガイ属  295

proximus L. adj. A, nearest, next (Stearn, 1983). 隣接の、近隣の、近親の Ex. Donax proximus Bertin, 1881, [2], 4: 100, pl. 3, figs. 2a-c.

Psammacoma (f.) Dall, 1900b, 23(1210): 292, type species (OD) Psammotaea candida Lamarck, 1818, 5: 517-518; Tellinidae. psammo-; Macoma Leach in J. Ross, 1819, App., (2): lxii. 砂のシラトリガイ属;ニッコウガイ科アワジチガイ属  210

psammo- Gr. psammos, sable, sand (Fischer, 1887: 1104; Woodward, 1868: 481). 砂

Psammobia (f.) Lamarck, 1818, 5: 511-512, type species (SD Children, 1822, 14(28): 304) Tellina fereonsis (err. pro fervensis) Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3235; Psammobiidae.Gr.psammos, sable, sand; Gr. bio, je vis, to live (Fischer, 1887: 1104; Woodward, 1868: 481). 砂に住むもの;シオサザナミガイ科ミヒカリマスオガイ属

Psammocola (f.) Blainville, 1824, 32: 349, type species (SD Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1895, 2: 485) Psammocola vespertinalis Blainville, 1824, 32: 349 [= Tellina depressa Pennant, 1777, 4: 87, pl. 47, fig. 27, = Solen vespertinus Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3228 (fide Montagu, 1803: 54); obj. sen. syn. of Gobraeus Brown, 1844, ed. 2: 102]; Psammobiidae. psammo-; cola. 砂に住むもの;シオサザナミガイ科エゾマスオガイ属  220

いい加減;Lexicon generum bivalvium (Psammophila-Pseudolucina)

2018-01-26 07:55:05 | 日記

Lexicon generum bivalvium P(Psammophila-Pseudolucina)

Psammophila (f.) Brown, 1827, expl. pl. 12, fig. 1, type species (M) Psammophila solenoides (Leach, MS) Brown, 1827 [= Lutraria solenoides Lamarck, 1801: 120, = Mactra hians Montagu, 1803, (1): 101-102]; Mactridae.  psammo-; Gr.philos, (1) loved, beloved, dear, (2) Gr. philos,o,phile,a friend 砂の友達;バカガイ科オオトリガイ属  183

Psammotaea (f.) Lamarck, 1818, 5: 516, type species (SD Children, 1823, 14(28): 305) Psammotaea donacina Lamarck, 1818, 5: 518; Psammobiidae. Gr. psammotos, h,on, of plaster or stucco (Liddell & Scott, 1940), or Gr. Psammotis, ensablé (Chenu, 1847a: 61; 1847b: 141). 化粧漆喰・石膏の、或は砂で塞がれた;シオサザナミガイ科マスオガイ属  220

Psammotella (f.) Herrmannsen, 1852: 114, non H. & A. Adams, 1856, 2: 393, type species (OD) Tellina rufescens seu punicea operculata, … Chemnitz, 1782, Bd. 6: 105-106, pl. 11, fig. 97 [not binominal, = Tellina cruenta [Lightfoot, 1786: 58]]; Psammobiidae. psammo-; tella, telle, Tellina. 砂地のニッコウガイ類;シオサザナミガイ科

Psammotellina (f.) Fischer, 1887: 1105, [new name pro Psammotella H. & A. Adams, 1856, 2: 393, non Psammotelle Blainville, 1828, 52: 541,] type species (M) Psammotella ambigua Deshayes in Reeve, 1857b, vol. 10: Psammotella pl. 1, sp. 5; Psammobiidae. Psammobia Lamarck, 1818, 5: 511-512; Tellina Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 674. PsammobiaTellinaの特徴を兼ね備えたもの;シオサザナミガイ科タイワンマスオガイ属  223

Psammotreta (f.) Dall, 1900b, 23(1210): 292, type species (OD) Tellina aurora Hanley, 1844, pt. 12, for 1844: 147, Panama; Tellinidae. ニッコウガイ科アオサギガイ属  212

pseud- Gr.pseudes, lying, false (Liddell & Scott, 1955). 偽、仮、もどき

Pseudamiantis (f.) Kuroda, 1933: 63, type species (OD) Meretrix tauyensis Yokoyama, 1927, [2], 2(4): 178, pl. 48, figs. 1-2; Veneridae. pseud-; Amiantis Carpenter, 1864, for 1863: 640. スイミツハマグリ属Amiantis擬き;マルスダレガイ科タウエヌノメハマグリ属  270

Pseudaxinus (m.) Salter, 1864, 20(1): 298-299, type species (SD Newell & LaRoque, 1969: N471) Anodontopsis securiformis M’Coy, 1851, [2], 7(37): 55; Salter, 1864: 299 and Woodward, 1868: 432 noted as types Pseudaxinus (Anodontopsis) securiformis (M’Coy, 1851) and P. trigonus Salter, 1864, 20(1): 299, pl. 15, fig. 6); Lyrodesmatidae. Gr.pseudes; Axinus J. Sowerby, 1821, 4(55): 11 (Gr. axine, h, an axe-head, battle axe). ハナシガイ属擬き;リロデスマ科

Pseudocardium (n.) Gabb, 1866, 2: 20-21, type species (M) Cardium gabbii Rémond, 1863, 3(1): 13 [= Mulinia densata Conrad, 1857a, 8(6): 313; Conrad, 1857b, 6(2): 71, pl. 3, fig. 12]; Mactridae. pseudo-; Cardium Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 678 (Tate in Woodward, 1868: 79). ワダチザルガイ属擬き;ザルガイ科ウバガイ属

Pseudochama (f.) Odhner, 1917, 52(16): 28-31, 33-34, type species (SD Gardner, 1926, no. 142-B: 92) Chama cristella Lamarck, 1819, 6: 96, no. 13; Chamidae. pseudo-; Chama Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 691. キクザルガイ属擬き;キクザルガイ科サルノカシラガイ属  138

Pseudodon (m.) Gould, 1844, 1: 161, type species (OD) Anodon[ta] inoscularis Gould, 1844, 1: 160, Burma; Johnson, 1964, (239): 92, pl. 32, fig. 1, lectotype; Unionidae. pseudo-; Gr. odon, a tooth. 偽の歯;イシガイ科カタハガイ属  115

Pseudogaleomma (n.) Habe, 1964, 2, ed. 1: 185, type species (OD) Galeomnia [error pro Galeomma] japonica A. Adams, 1862, [3], 9(51): 228; Galeommatidae. pseudo-; Galeomma Turton, 1825, 2: 361. ウロコガイ科ニッポンマメアゲマキガイ属  150

Pseudogrammatodon (m.) Arkell, 1930, Geol. Mag., 67: 307, type species (OD) Arca adversidentata Deshayes, 1860, 1: 907, 68 (explication des planches), pl. 68, figs. 7-9; Parallelodontidae. pseudo-; Grammatodon Meek & Hayden, 1861, 12: 419. Grammatodon擬き;シコロエガイ科シコロエガイ属 42

Pseudoirus (m.) Habe, 1951a, [A], (15): 98, type species (OD) Venerupis mirabilis Deshayes in G. B. Sowerby II, 1854, 2: 766, pl. 165, fig. 24, Monterey, California; Petricolidae. pseudo-; Irus Schmidt, 1818:158. Irus擬き;イワホリガイ科チヂミイワホリガイ属  275

Pseudolucina (f.) Wilckens, 1909, Verhandlungen des naturhistorisch-medizinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg, n.F., 10(2): 207 [non Chavan, 1947, Jour. de Conch., 87: 180, Lucinidae] (fide Vokes, 1980: 62); Limidae. pseudo-; Lucina Bruguière, 1797, pls. 284-286. ツキガイ類擬き;ミノガイ科 129

Pseudolucina (f.) Chavan, 1947, Jour. de Conch., 87: 180 [non Wilckens, 1909, 10(2): 207, Limidae]; n. n. Eamsiella Chavan, 1951, C. r. somm. séan. Soc. géol. France, 1951: 211 (fide Vokes, 1980: 104; Glover, et al., 2008, Suppl., no. 18: 39), type spcies -; Lucinidae.

木曜会テニス&畑;Lexicon generum bivalvium (Psedoneaera-Pythina)

2018-01-25 07:19:35 | 日記
Lexicon generum bivalvium - Any comment about my articles is most welcome.

Pseudoneaera (f.) Sturany, 1899 (fide Oliver, 1992: 318; Higo et al., 1999: 628; Huber, 2010: 874), 1901 (date on the title page of the journal; Vokes, 1980: 212; WoRMS, http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=1788) or 1902 (Keen, 1969: N854; Habe, 1977: 321), 69: 265, type species (M) Pseudoneaera thaumasia Sturany, 1901, 69: 265-266, pl. 2, figs. 11-16; Cuspidariidae. pseudo-; Neraea Gray in Griffith & Pidgen, 1834: 598, pl. 22, fig. 5, as Neraea chinensis. シャクシガイ科シャクシガイモドキ属  321

Pseudopythina (f.) Fischer, 1878, 32: 178, type species (M) Kellia macandrewi Fischer, 1867, 15(2): 194-195, pl. 9, fig. 1; Lasaeidae. pseudo-; Pythina Hinds, 1845: 70. Pythina擬き;チリハギガイ科 141

Pseudoxyperas (n.) Sacco in Bellardi & Sacco, 1901, 29: 26, type species (OD) Pseudoxyperas proaspersum Sacco in Bellardi & Sacco, 1901, 29: 27, pl. 6, figs. 16-19; Mactridae. pseudo-; Oxyperas Mörch, 1853, (2): 4. ホクロガイ属擬き;バカガイ科オオシマホクロガイ属 182

pteron Gr. pteron,to, a feather, feathers, wings (Liddell & Scott, 1953). 羽、翼

Pteranodon (m.) Fischer, 1886, (10): 1003, type species (OD) Symphynota magnifica Lea, 1834 “1837”, n.s., 5(1): 43-44, pl. 5, fig. 14, China [= Symphynota woodiana Lea, 1834 “1837”, n.s., 5(1): 42-43, pl. 5, fig. 13]; Unionidae. ; -; Anodon L. Oken, 1815, 1: 238. 翼を持ったAnodon;イシガイ科 120

Pterelectroma (n.) Iredale, 1939, 5(6), Moll., pt. 1: 332, type species (OD) Avicula zebra Reeve, 1857c, 10: Avicula pl. 11, sp. 36, Moreton Bay, Australia; Pteriidae. Gr. pteron; Electroma Stoliczka, 1871, 3: 391. 翼のあるシマウグイスガイ属;ウグイスガイ科シロチョウウグイスガイ属 69

Pteria (f.) Scopoli, 1777: 397, type species (M) Mytilus hirundo Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 706; Pteriidae. Gr. pteron; -ia, G. adj. suff., characteristic of. 翼を持ったもの;ウグイスガイ科ウグイスガイ属 69

Pullastra (f.) G. B. Sowerby I, 1826, (28): [176-177, text to pl. 72], pl. 72 [171], type species (T) Venus pullastra Montagu, 1803, (1): 125-127; Veneridae. Pullastra, nom. appell. (Herrmannsen, 1848, 2(4): 354); L. pullus, i, m., a young animal; -astrum, L. dim. suff. with derogatory implications; wild; resemblance (Brown, 1956). 通称、或はちびな幼獣、ひよっこ;マルスダレガイ科  269

(f.) Iredale, 1930, 17(9): 398, type species (OD) Tellina subelliptica G. B. Sowerby II in Reeve, 1867, 17: Tellina pl. 39, sp. 220, New South Wales, non Meek & Hayden, 1857, 8: 83, = Tellina hypelliptica Salisbury, 1934, 21: 89; Tellinidae. ニッコウガイ科ゴシキヒメザラガイ属  203

pusillus L. adj. A, very little (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1976). 非常に小さな

Pycnodonta (f.) G. B. Sowerby II, 1842, ed. 2: 85, 300, figs. 217-218, error for Pycnodonte Fischer de Waldheim, 1835, 8: 118-119; Gryphaeidae. E. Pycnodonteの誤綴;ベッコウガキ科  107

Pycnodonte (f.) Fischer de Waldheim, 1835, 8: 118-119, type species (OD) Pycnodonte radiata Fischer de Waldheim, 1835, 8: 119; Gryphaeidae. Gr. pyknos, crassus; Gr. odous, dens. <厚い歯;ベッコウガキ科>  107

Pythina (f.) Hinds, 1845: 70, type species (M) Pythina deshayesiana Hinds, 1845: 71, pl. 19, figs. 8-9; Lasaeidae. Gr. Pytho, nom. prop. geogr. (Herrmannsen, 1847, 2: 383); -ina.  地名ピュトーに因む;チリハギガイ科  148