
H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガードが大好きです。


2014-02-26 16:49:48 | 日記


レオ・ヴィンシイ Leo Vincey ・・・本編の主人公
ルードウィヒ・ホーレス・ホリー Ludwig Horace Holly・・レオの後見人
アボット・コウエン Abbot Kou-En・・・ラマ教寺院の老僧・・・《abbot 大修道院長》
アーテン Atene・・・カルーン国の王女
シンブリ Simbri・・・アーテンの叔父
オロス Oros・・・祭司長
アッシャ Ayesha・・洞窟の女王の名前
やつれた閣下H.ライダー・・・Sir Henry Rider Haggrd 
H. やつれたライダー ・・・H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガード
haggardの意味・・・・ 心配や睡眠不足で)やつれた、げっそりした


In the book's prologue, the book's anonymous "Editor" receives a parcel. Opening it, he finds a letter from Horace Holly, with an enclosed manuscript containing a second memoir about She.


There is also a second letter, from Holly's doctor, to whom Holly has entrusted his letter and manuscript, along with a wooden box, which contains an ancient sistrum.



The doctor recounts how, when attending Holly in his last hours, he arrived at the house to find that Holly had risen from his deathbed and made his way to a local ring of ancient standing stones.

Following him, the doctor glimpsed a manifestation that appears to Holly, but as the vision vanished, Holly had let out a happy cry and died.


When the narrative of Holly's manuscript begins, nearly twenty years have passed since their first adventure in Africa, but he and his ward Leo Vincey are convinced that Ayesha did not die. Following their dreams, they wander for years through Asia, eventually coming to "Thibet" (as it is spelled in the book). Taking refuge over winter in a remote lamasery, they meet the old Abbot Kou-En, who claims to recall a past-life encounter tales with a witch queen from the time of Alexander the Great. The Abbott tries to dissuade them from going on and warns them that, however beautiful, nothing is immortal, even if the Queen was born centuries ago in Ancient Egypt or remembers it from a past life. He believes the Queen is holding on to the distractions of life, which will lead them away from Enlightenment and peace, whether she is a demon, a fallen angel, or only a dream.

Despite the Abbot's warning, Leo is compelled to press on and Holly will not abandon his adopted son. When spring breaks, they travel out into the uncharted region beyond the monastery; after a perilous journey and many narrow escapes, they arrive in the city of Kaloon, which is ruled by the evil Khan Rassen and his imperious wife, the Khania Atene, who claim to be descendants of Alexander the Great's ancient Hellenist generals. The people of Kaloon live under an uneasy truce with the people who serve the Hesea, the Priestess of Hes, who dwells on the Mountain, a huge volcano that dominates the region, at the summit of which is a massive natural rock formation in the shape of an ankh. Atene declares her love for Leo, but the jealous and dissolute Rassen (who has been driven mad by the sorcery of Atene and her uncle, the wizard Simbri) wants to kill them.
アボットの警告にもかかわらず、レオは断行することを強要されます、そして、ホリーは彼の養子を捨てません。春が壊れるとき、彼らは修道院の向こうの未知の地域に外に旅行します;危険な旅行と多くの間一髪の後、彼らがKaloon(それは凶悪なカーンRassenと彼の傲慢な妻によって支配されます)の都市に到着することKhania Atene(アレキサンダー大王の古代のギリシア文明の崇拝者将軍の子孫であると主張します)。Kaloonの人々はHesea(HesのPriestess)を取り扱う人々と心配な休戦管轄下に生きます。そして、くよくよしますマウンテン、アンクの形をした大きい自然の岩構造が極限にある地域にそびえる巨大な火山。Ateneはレオに対する彼女の愛情を告白します、しかし、嫉妬深くて自堕落なRassen(Ateneと彼女のおじ(ウィザードSimbri)の魔法によってイライラした)は彼らを殺したいです。

Atene's rival, the mysterious Hesea, orders Atene to send Leo and Holly to her, or risk breaking their peace treaty. Atene vows to kill Leo, rather than let him go, but with the help of Rassen, they escape the city. However they soon realise that Rassen has betrayed them and is hunting them with his monstrous Death-Hounds. They make a dash to the foot of the mountain, where they are caught by Rassen, but after a desperate struggle they manage to kill the Khan and his hounds.

First edition illustration of Ayesha
