
2016-10-06 | 日記
 当日は先ず、清泉女子大学人文科学研究所 客員所員の金田房子先生から「芭蕉に影響した先行文芸」と題する講演が行われました。奥の細道の作品の中には、当時江戸で出版されるようになった李白の漢詩や源氏物語、徒然草などの文章が随所に盛り込まれており、これらが芭蕉の作品に大きな影響を与えたことが紹介され、芭蕉がいかに勉強家であったかが改めて認識させられました。
 <以 上>

(2016)Okuno Hosomichi ―Global philosophy of Basyou

The special project commemorating Okuno Hosomichi Summit was held by GWY.
On Sep 25 the program written above was held by Ogaki city and GWY at the Commemorating Hall of Bashou. The program was composed of a lecture and a musical performance. The lecture was given by Dr.Fusako Kanata, a guest researcher of Seishin Women’s College, under the title of “The literature which precede the age of Bashou”. In the literarily works of Okuno Hosomichi contains a lot of Chinese poems of Rihaku, The Tale of Genji, and Turezuregusa, this facts, Dr.Kanata indicated, illustrated that these works influenced Bashou a lot and he was well versed in those literature. Another program was the playing of Kokyu by Ishida Nehito, the representative of Nehito Borderless Sound Create. The title was “Ettyu Owarabushi”. Mr.Ishida has engaged in the activities supporting stricken areas of Eastern Japan Major Earthquake. He used the instrument made by the pine tree of Rikuzen Takata hit by the quake. His splendid skill of playing Kokyu, soft and deep sound and some tunes dedicated to the souls of the dead touched all the guests and audience.

挨拶:森秀樹 本会会長 

来賓挨拶:小川敏 大垣市長

来賓挨拶:川上孝浩 大垣市議会議長


