(2018年度) JENESYS2018 タイ王国の高校生代表団 14 名が来岐

2018-12-19 | 日記
タイ王国の高校生代表団 14 名が来岐し、県内各地で日本文化の見学及び体験を行いました。




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(2018) JENESYS 2018 Acceptance Programme (invitation) ASEAN 11th Bach

From Nob 8 to 12 the delegation composed of 14 SHS students from Thailand came to Gifu as part of the programs of facilitating understanding of Japan to see and experience Japanese culture in several places in Japan. This is the international exchange program proceeded by Japanese government whose aims are firstly-to promote mutual understanding of policies, economy, society, culture, history and diplomacy, secondly-to scout pro-Japanese group and Japan experts in order to expand diplomatic base, thirdly-to put out message positively about Japan’s policies and charms of Japan by invited persons and dispatched ones, fourthly-to contribute to improve the impression of Japan in the global society and to have lasting interest in Japan. GWY managed the planning the programs in Gifu prefecture. They arrived in Gifu on Nov 8 and given the summary of Gifu prefecture’s administration. They visited Gifu Sougougakuen SHS to observe and experience club activities of calligraphy, tea ceremony and Japanese drums. On Nov 9 they tried making Japanese sweets as the lecture of comprehension of Japanese culture. After that they experienced tea ceremony and saw the performance of Iaido and enjoyed traditional folk dance. From Nov 10 to 11 they lived with local families. On Nov 11 they joined the culture exchange party where they showed the audience Thailand games and songs. After that they read their papers on their visit to Japan. On Nov 12 they moved to Tokyo to see the sights of Tokyo.
*The JENESYS Programme (Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths) is a project advanced by the Japanese government from the standpoint of providing a sound foundation for strong solidarity within Asia through large-scale youth exchange.








(2018年度)マレーシア「マレーカレッジ・クアラカンサ」の 代表団 17 名が来岐

2018-12-14 | 日記

「マレーカレッジ・クアラカンサ(男子校)」の 代表団 17 名が来岐し、県内各地で視察及び市民交流を行いました。

これは「グローバルフレンドシップ in 岐阜」として
県内の高校生が多くの国の同世代の青年との交流を通し、相互理解を深め 友情と信頼を培うことを目的とする活動で、岐阜県世界青年友の会が受け入れをしました。

11月3日には岐阜工業高等専門学校を訪問し、ET ロボコンセミナーやロボットデモンストレーションを体験しました。

11月4日には大垣市長及び岐阜県教育長を表敬訪問し、その後岐阜大学医学部付属病院を訪問し、先進研究技術・設備・免震機能、救急搬送 ヘリポート等を見学しました。

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(2018)GLOBAL FRIENDSHIP IN GIFU~The Malay College Kuala Kangsar~
From Nov 2 to 6 the delegation made up of 17 students from the Malay College Kuala Kangsar (boys’ school) paid a visit to Gifu as part of the Malaysia international exchange to make trip to observe various places in Gifu prefecture and inter-citizen exchange activities. This is called “Global friendship in Gifu” which aims to deepen mutual understanding and cultivate friendship and trust through youth’s and foreign SHS students. GWY hosted this program. They stayed with local families for 3 days after they arrived in Ogaki city on Nov 2. On Nov 3 they visited National Institute of Technology Gifu College (Gifu Kosen)
to experience EV robot seminar and robot demonstration. On Nov 4 they paid courtesy call on Mayor of Ogaki city and general of education board of Gifu pref. and after that they visited Gifu university hospital observe advanced research technology facilities, The Minimally Invasive Surgery Center for Training and Education, seismic isolation function, rescue helicopter. They also visited Gifu Pref. Ogaki Minami SHS to observe and participate club activities. On Nov 5 they went to Ibiden and main office of Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank to see the actual sites of business in the afternoon they headed for Tokyo to visit several places there.











2018-12-14 | 日記
<さる10月4日、大垣市スイトピアセンター「音楽堂」にて岐阜県世界青年友の会の主催によりイタリアの宮廷舞踏団 グリエルモ・エブレオ・アーリーダンスカンパニーによる「ルネッサンス宮廷舞踏の調べ」が開催されました。



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(2018) The Italian Renaissance Court Dances
On Oct 4 the music concert called “The Italian Renaissance Court Dances” was held by Euglielmo Embree early dance company of Italy” at Ogaki city Suitopia center’s music hall. This dance company was invited from Italy to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Ogaki city and the 40th anniversary of sister city affiliation with Florence and Gifu city. On the day the court dance by four dancers were performed to the due of flute and cembalo. The elegant and floating dances remind us of the Florence of Italy 500 years ago. After the performance the display and explanation of the dance were given. The delegation visited Hiranogakuen high school on Oct 5 where they had fun by fashion show by the students there, displaying Italy’s and Japan’s costumes and tea ceremony.






2018-12-14 | 日記
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(2018)Ms. Margaret Medland made a courtesy call on the mayor of Ogaki
On Oct 2 Ms. Margaret Medland, a former administrative officer at Kent state of UK, came to Ogaki at the time of the 100th anniversary of Ogaki city and made a courtesy call on the mayor of Ogaki.
Ms. Medland took part in the foundation of Seino-Kent youth exchange program in cooperation with GWY in order to foster young youth who came to be interested in exchange action with UK.

(2018年度)スペイン ホアキン セラーノ君の短期留学体験を支援しました

2018-12-14 | 日記
スペイン大使館の依頼により Joaquin(ホアキン) Serrano(セラーノ)君の

その間、大垣市内の岩津家に3週間ホームスティをし、大垣市立西部中学校の授業 サッカー部活動に参加しました。
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(2018)GWY supported Joaquin Serrano from Spain who joined the short-term study abroad program in Gifu
GWY supported his studying in Gifu and at private home at the request from Spanish embassy as part of promotion program for understanding Japan. He came to Japan on Sun, Aug 26 and returned home on Sun, Sep 16. During his stay in Gifu he stayed at Iwatsu family for three weeks during which he joined the class of Ogaki Seibu JHS and soccer club. He also visited Ogaki, Gifu, Gujohachiman and Sirakawago to deepen his understanding of the country by visiting school there and watching traditional culture and exchange with local people.