

Uncooked and uneaten food

2017-11-16 14:25:04 | 健康

  In order to ensure our healthy diet, we should usually eat some vegetables and eat less meat. But the vegetables are also good and bad. Some vegetables look very good and actually are highly toxic before being cooked. The following Xiao Bian will take a look at these uncooked foods that cannot be eatenKawon KIM received her BA and MA in Psychology and her PhD in Organizational Behavior. Kawon’s research focuses on interpersonal relationships in diverse teams and organizations, and how such relationships affect work outcomes.


  Cruciferous vegetables

  Lethal Toxin: Mustard Oil

  Lethal mechanism: Cruciferous vegetables include rapeseed, mustard, radish, etc. Most of these vegetables contain glucosinolates, a toxin that can prevent human growth and goitre.

  Different vegetables, or different parts of the same vegetable contain different glucosinolate content. If not handled properly, it may cause people to have goiter, metabolic disorders, symptoms of poisoning, and even death.

  Detoxification method: So, how do you deal with this kind of vegetables? When cooking such vegetables, you can use boiling water to boil and eat againHence, this whole idea that entrepreneurs who are planning to start off have regarding exaggeration of costs is nothing but merely a myth associated with this industry.

  Fresh fungus

  Lethal Toxins: Light-sensitive phytochromes

  Lethal mechanism: fresh fungus contains a kind of ray photosensitive material, which is sensitive to light. After being eaten, it is exposed to the sun and causes daylight dermatitis. Some severe cases also cause difficulty breathing due to throat edema.

  Detoxification method: not edible.

  Blue purple seaweed

  Lethal Toxins: Cyclic Polypeptides

  The fatal mechanism: if the purple water is blue-purple, it indicates that it has been contaminated by the toxic peptide cyclic polypeptide when it grows in the sea.

  Detoxification methods: These toxins cannot be detoxified and are not edible.

  Broad beans

  Lethal Toxicity: Broccoli

  Deadly mechanism: Vicia faba seeds contain merrosporin, which can cause acute hemolytic anemia (bean yellow disease) after human consumption of this substance. When eating green beans in spring and summer, poisoning may occur if cooking is improper. And it usually occurs 4 to 24 hours after eating raw beans.

  Detoxification method: In order to prevent the emergence of fava bean poisoning, it is best not to eat fresh tender beans, and must be cooked before eating.

