The scene we gonna do is following;
I am Harry but female version! My partner is a boy though he'll play Sally of male version.
It's insane but pretty funny cuz my partner boy said it's possible to have woman friends withough having sex
with them but I was completely disagree with it. So, our teacher decided that I should pray Harry!
This kind of stuff is always a devadable issue.
Hehe, let's see how it'll go!
I am Harry but female version! My partner is a boy though he'll play Sally of male version.
It's insane but pretty funny cuz my partner boy said it's possible to have woman friends withough having sex
with them but I was completely disagree with it. So, our teacher decided that I should pray Harry!
This kind of stuff is always a devadable issue.
Hehe, let's see how it'll go!