

Essay代写:Public opinion guide

2018-04-13 16:43:41 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Public opinion guide,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了舆论引导。如今,网络言论的开放随意和各种不良思潮的传播,使我们的主流意识形态面临着严峻挑战。新时代如何做好舆论引导工作,成为新闻工作者必须深入思考的课题。很多人认为当前最重要的是强化政治意识,坚定理想信念,坚持发展创新,使我们的主流媒体发出时代的强音。而坚持弘扬时代主旋律、大力传播社会正能量和媒体融合创新,就是实现以上要求的三个重要环节。

The main melody is meant to be the main tune of a piece of music. In ideology, the main melody reflects the basic view of a period, the main spirit of an era, and the fundamental belief of a political party. If the media lacks mainstream consciousness, it cannot lead the public to establish a firm position and belief. If we do not carry forward the main melody, we will make a country missing the main tune, which is bound to lead to a lack of people and social imbalance.

The special status of mainstream media is given by the party and government. However, it is difficult to accomplish the guiding task by this right, which involves the understanding of the essential meaning of "mouthpiece". The "mouthpiece" is a propaganda organ or a person who makes a speech, which means the spokesman. The explanation is that the mainstream media can only communicate the spirit of the party and government by playing the role of the "mouthpiece", and firmly believe in the public, and turn the public opinion into the kinetic energy of the public's conscious action.

The function of "mouthpiece" depends on communication. Marx pointed out: "the thought of ruling class is the dominant ideology in every era. "Visible, the mainstream media political consciousness, make the party and the government advocated by the mainstream consciousness of its dominant position, become the guide of the masses of the people, can truly become the party and the government" mouthpiece ". Therefore, the "mouthpiece" function of our media is realized by promoting the main melody.

The mainstream media insists on the correct opinion orientation and insists on carrying forward the main melody, and our cause will be successful, otherwise, it will be blocked. The two historical events of the Chinese truth standard and the collapse of the Soviet union are good examples.

These two events are worth our media to ponder: in 1977, the mainstream media to launch "practice is the sole criterion for testing truth", at the national level led to a debate on the criterion for judging truth successfully unified the thoughts of the party and the people of the whole country, for the implementation of reform and opening up to remove obstacles. The other was the collapse of the Soviet union. During the gorbachev period, the mass media seceded from the party principle and instilled in people the western culture and values, rejecting the traditional culture of the country. In fact, this is the complete loss of the party's "mouthpiece" function, the disintegration of the public opinion ultimately caused the great power tragedy.

It can be seen that media public opinion guidance is a powerful ideological weapon that promotes history and changes history. The "political energy" of public opinion, so that we must firmly "party management media" at any time, raise the banner of the main melody. The lesson of history tells us that from singing the spring story to telling the good Chinese story, it is the calling of the main melody that keeps the people constantly creating miracles of great power.

The people and things of light, justice, beauty and progress have a call, inspiration and demonstration effect. The media promotes this, so that the public can feel what behavior is the standard of behavior advocated by the society, which is to spread positive energy. If the main melody is the main melody, then the transmission of positive energy is around the main tune.

Positive energy is a spiritual force of the mind, and this spiritual power is achieved through the wide spread of speech in the whole society. As we model the spirit of lei feng and serve the people whole-heartedly, root country 36 years is the most beautiful teacher in English, with a selfless humanity beauty inspires people, it has close ties with the media publicity. These role models do extraordinary things in ordinary positions, and if we don't sing, how can we be a household name for the advanced characters who are dedicated to them? On the other hand, to spread their songs and sobs to the public, and this kind of acura, will become the spirit of people's enterprising spirit.

Of course, moderate criticism is also about spreading positive energy. In recent years such as social phenomenon similar to help the old man was correct, our mainstream media is given priority to with channel to carry out public criticism, "the old man should fall upon the" "the old man gone bad or bad person getting old" moral opinion such as the confrontation eventually get argue is bright, the 2014 CCTV Spring Festival gala sketch in "help not helps" "hearts down, can not help," the words become social hot word, form of justice. Many bad phenomena, without the suppression and guidance of correct public opinion, will bring about the breeding of unhealthy tendencies. On the other hand, it helps to dispel the evil and turn the criticism into positive energy, and the bad phenomena are suppressed. Our criticism is based on objectivity, with the best positive publicity effect as a guideline for positive guidance.

The positive publicity basically follows the party's basic policy of journalism. To inspire the public to love the party, patriotism and the people with the right public opinion. At the same time, by means of public criticism, advocates fairness and justice, set up time and make the society has the vigor and vitality, is conducive to the implementation of the party and the government's decision to get better, is advantageous to the national revitalization coagulation hearts meet force.

The value of media communication is moving. Recently, hunan satellite TV news feature "absolute loyalty", the report quietly adheres to the most difficult place in the motherland, dedicated to the research career of 11 Chinese scientists. The reporter breaks the traditional way, does not take the microphone to interview the statement, only tracks and hides the shooting, also only records what they are doing, how to do. After the program was broadcast, it aroused strong resonance among the audience. The interactive community read more than 100 million times, and the page was viewed more than 20 million times. Many viewers have said that the news can be so beautiful and emotional. This kind of record "does" the behavior process, the real feeling of the scene is obviously more easily to touch the soul, the sentiment. The TV news feature "absolute loyalty" is a valuable exploration.

"To do" is essentially to implement the party's mass line. Only deep living, feeling the objective reality, the truth of life, can excavate, and the original value of "do" the real process. Go deep among the masses, therefore, is not only the advanced mining typical news source, is also an effective method to express the objective truth maintenance events, but also to shape a thinking, temperature, and also an important way of excellent works.

Every undertaking is inseparable from the ideal belief and professional spirit. Yuan longping studied hybrid rice to keep people away from hunger. We often call this spirit a sense of responsibility and a common ideal as a mission.

The responsibility of our journalists is to fulfill their duties faithfully and continuously improve their propaganda level. Mission sense lets us aim high, pursue career excellence, and strive for the realization of the party's mission. The value and significance of the survival and development of the news media make this sense of responsibility and mission become the foundation of the news enterprise, which gives us the power to pursue the ideal.

Xi jinping, general secretary of the proposed "banner, leading the guidance, around the center, the service general situation, the unity of the people, morale, as weathering, coagulation hearts meet force, clarify fallacies, distinguish between right and wrong, connecting Chinese and foreign, communicate the world", with 48 word brilliantly summarized the new era party's news public opinion work duties, journalists put forward higher request to us.

At present, the development of Internet has entered the age of intelligence from the media era, and the emerging media is constantly emerging. Among them, domestic website conversion rate is high "today's headline", only in a few years has developed to have 600 million users, advertising revenue over 10 billion platform. In contrast, some of our media convergence is highlighted by the lack of overall breakthrough, and the marginalization trend is obvious. Therefore, we can solve the problem of fusion by absorbing the advanced ideas of the new media.

The communication force determines the influence, and the right of speech decides the initiative. The author thinks that media convergence should pay attention to the application of new technology. The social role of new media technologies is reflected in the high propagation efficiency. The success of some new media follows the principle of satisfying the needs of the audience. If you use smart technology, collect the content of each person's click to calculate the demand habit. Reaching the headlines in each user's hands is a matter of tailoring. The author's research of the anhui radio and television APP "da ears", is a sound element, let the user hear what they like. Shortly after its launch, the client has nearly 600,000 users and has attracted the attention of the industry. It has been awarded the "brand media organization of the four places on both sides of the Taiwan straits in 2016-2017". Therefore, media convergence and innovation should also be based on content, and develop new media products to meet individual needs by improving "supply side" thinking.

Behind the success lies the wisdom of man. Such as in the way of the new media of tencent company, every time meet the bottleneck, a team will fight to change the pattern of the entire company, good mechanism of choose and employ persons make tencent, the current market value has broken 4 trillion. It can be seen that talent is the key to winning media convergence. Xi jinping has pointed out that to solve the problem of "ability to panic", he has become an expert in the use of modern media and new methods. The efficient communication mechanism of media convergence is built and innovated by real experts, which can change the pattern of media convergence by relying on talents.

The guiding ability of public opinion in the mainstream media is always in the leading position, which is the political requirement of the party's propaganda work, and it is actually the concrete embodiment of the journalist's politics. Finish the task, to understand in the thoughts of integration innovation, business people-oriented, implement the strategy of talent new planning, stimulate workers sense of responsibility and mission, media management, establishment and management of the information form and content, media platform and technology such as full synchronization. Integrating with innovative media mechanism, with efficient communication platform, we can better carry forward the theme, positive energy, to guide the public coagulation hearts meet force, struggling for the realization of new era grand goal.



