

英国essay代写-What Destroyed Him

2017-09-30 16:13:21 | 日記
这篇essay代写的作者是Tahar Ben Jelloun。由里塔•内扎米(Rita S. Nezami)撰写的介绍由法语译成。它于2003年9月16日在纽约出版。“火焰之火”:阿拉伯之春的作品的主角是穆罕默德。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The author of this article is Tahar Ben Jelloun. It is translated from French, having the introduction written by Rita S. Nezami. It was published in New York on September 16, 2003. The main character of By Fire: Writings on the Arab Spring is Mohamed. He is an unlucky person who finally chose to commit suicide. After reading this novella, I felt very sad. Undoubtedly, Mohamed deserves to be sympathized, but we should think more about what lead to his tragedy. Government corruption, police violence and family pressure in his life are main reasons which finally destroy him. He was born in a very poor family which seemed to be destined that he was a loser in the beginning. The theme of this book is to explore the deep reasons behind the social phenomenon. It represents some coldness and inhumanity of the world.
Generally speaking, every ordinary person has their own small dreams. Without exception, Mohamed has his simple dream. His dream is taking care of his big family, affording to his sick mother’s hospital treatment expense, supporting his sisters and brothers’ daily life and having the capital to marry with Zineb. Of course, these small dreams are very hard to realize since Mohamed is very poor and humble. Especially, after his father’s death, he has to shoulder heavy responsibility without conferment, which has become one of the reasons leading to his suicide.
In fact, I believe if a person has another choice, he will not choose to suicide. So I may as well analyze what the character suffered from and why he had to kill himself. First, he is the eldest child in his family. So it makes sense for him to find ways to make money to support his family. Actually, he is a laborious man who plans to take over his father’s job to sell fruits, such as apples, pears and so on; moreover, he made efforts to repair the cart to be convenient to do the sale, but he failed. The reasons are various. The grocer thought that he prevented him from doing business and the policemen thought he had no license but getting an idea for him, which was that if he could pay more money he would do the sale. From this incident, I feel that the whole society is very indifferent. The people here only acknowledge the money not the human. Also, Mohamed is always under unemployment, which leads him have no choice but to sell fruits. The reason why he has no job is that he has low degree. So I can see it is a chain of rings. It seems that one can never jump out of the dilemma once he fell into it.
Luckily, a little light in his dark life was a lady called Zineb. She fell in love with Mohamed without any condition. The whole story where I feel a little comfortable is the appearance of the beautiful lady. But unluckily, Mohamed had a strong dignity. So he wanted to give his girlfriend or wife better life, which made the love between he and Zineb become a heavy burden on Mohamed. He extremely wanted to give Zineb a happy life but he had no money.
Obviously, the police violence played an important role in the tragedy of Mohamed. They ignored him and beated him without any sympathy. From many descriptions in the book, especially the attitude of the police, I can feel that they showed little respect to Mohamed, who represents the broad masses. Just because he was poor and had no power, the police can beated him at random. How horrible it is!
Even worse, the police officers did not regard Mohamed a person. They thought he was a nobody, which meant he was nothing just like a dog. What’s more, he was light than a dog. Obviously, all the time the policewoman bewildered Mohamed, but in her mind, Mohamed defended them, which was very funny. So I can see that seemly, policemen are the crimes of Mohamed’s tragedy. However, if I dig deeply, I can see that the whole society create an atmosphere that the judgement of criticizing that if the man deserves to be respected is his state, power or prosperity. So actually, it is the whole society which forces him to choose suicide, because he has no other way. I can feel that desperate mood from the following words.
A confused jumble of images rushed through his mind: his mother in bed, his father in his coffin, himself at the Faculty of Arts and Letters, Zineb smiling, Zineb angry, Zineb begging him not to do anything; his mother getting out of bed and calling for him; the face of the woman who had slapped him earlier, who slapped him again; his body bent forward as though he were offering himself to an executioner; the blue sky; a huge tree sheltering him; himself in Zineb’s arms under the tree; himself as a child, running so as not to be late for school; his French teacher praising him; himself taking his college exams, showing his diploma to his parents; the diploma pinned to a sigh beside the word unemployed…(70)
The author used his imagination, which reflected his real mind, his symple but difficult dream. When he was thinking about these spots, he suddenly found that they were hardly realized. This is a despaerate feeling pushing him to the slough of despond.
I think the reason why Mohamed’s death has so much social repercussions is that he was self-immolation as a Muslim. His behavior violated his religious beliefs. In Muslim, if someone is cremated, this person cannot go to heaven. Mohamed really had something to cherish and he showed his love for something in the world. But they were all broken by the reality, by the cool world, which let him go to the hell.
Works Cited
Ben Jelloun, Tahar. “By Fire.” Trans. Rita S. Nezami. New Yorker 16 Sept. 2013: 64-70. Print.



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