

Assignment代写:Antisemitic thoughts in the collective unconscious

2018-08-21 16:59:16 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Antisemitic thoughts in the collective unconscious,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了集体无意识中的反犹思想。反犹主义指的是厌恶、排斥、仇视犹太人的思想和行为。自从基督教在欧洲大获全胜后,反犹主义通过其历史进程、社会行为、文化演绎在意识形态中不断强化,形成了具有传承性的各种原型,进入了西方非犹文化里集体无意识中的格式塔,在人们的潜意识中发挥作用,也就是说反犹现象并不总是在有意识情况下发生,有时也会在无意识的情况下得到表露。

Based on the antisemitic thoughts in the collective unconscious of American subject culture, this assignment analyzes three elaborative designs of malamud's "silver crown", thus revealing the theme expressed by the author to the readers: the antisemitic thoughts in the collective unconscious are the fundamental reason for confining the jewish people to pursue equality.

Collective unconsciousness is a term used in analytical psychology by Carl jung, a Swiss psychologist and founder of analytical psychology. Jung divided the unconscious into the individual unconscious and the collective unconscious. He thinks that collective unconscious is retained by genetic countless similar experience in the heart bottom of universal human spirit, is the individual unconscious at a deeper level, is the social environment in the process of biological evolution and cultural and historical factors in psychological accumulation, is etched in the structure of the brain consciousness before each generation of the accumulation of experience and reflection. It accumulates in the structure of human brain with a form of ambiguous memory, and can be awakened and activated under certain conditions. It is hidden in the deepest part of the human mind, which is a common base beyond all cultures and consciousness. It provides a reasonable explanation and basis for cultural phenomena appearing in different places, different times and unrelated in human history, as well as a possibility to explain the common psychology of human beings. At the same time, it also constitutes the deep structure of national spirit, which is a gestalt that can distinguish this nation from that nation. The vast majority of the individual unconscious is composed of "complex", while the collective unconscious is mainly composed of "archetype". Prototype is not experience, its impression is experience, which is expressed by original image. British scholar thibaut gold are revised, the archetypal pattern of human emotions is not inherent in advance in the structure of individual heart, but by special language image in the heart of the poet and the reader is rebuilt, the so-called prototype does not as a carrier of genetic information, as well as language symbols, it is also the carrier of cultural information form, that is, it is a social heredity.

Anti-semitism refers to the idea and practice of loathing, hatred, exclusion and hatred of jews. It comes from the mistaken belief that the jewish people are intrinsically, historically, ethnically and naturally an inferior race of people who are incapable, evil, unsociable, condemned or persecuted. Anti-semitism presents the following five characteristics: universality, persistence, brutality, subconsciousness and remodelling. This assignment mainly discusses its subconscious sex, since Christianity swept the board in Europe, anti-semitism through its history, culture, social behavior deduce constantly strengthened in the ideology, formed the continuity of the prototype, entered the western gestalt of the collective unconscious of culture, play a role in people's subconsciousness, i.e. anti-semitism phenomenon does not happen in the case of conscious, sometimes get show under the condition of the unconscious.

Malamud, a descendant of Russian jewish immigrants born in the United States, spent the first half of his life in the midst of a turbulent world, years of economic depression, high unemployment, the frenzied persecution and murder of jews by fascists, and the cold war standoff and McCarthyism that followed. As a writer of jewish descent, these disasters left him far more traumatized and imprinted than anyone else. Malamud by describing the crap in the "urban corners" forgotten, abandoned by the society of the sufferings of the jewish immigrants life and abide by the moral, in misery silently in their fight for survival status of the social bottom jews, for their name, expressed the jewish people "suffering - redemption" hard fate. Between the lines, readers can feel the author's sympathy for these characters, such as the shop assistant, god's gift, and so on. However, his creation purpose in silvercrest is somewhat different. He describes a story that seems to be a hoax with an ambiguous attitude, which reflects the antagonism and conflict between jewish culture and American subject culture, exposes the subconscious anti-semitism in western non-jewish culture, and illustrates the awkward situation of contemporary jewish culture survival. Silver, the gold, the story goes that gans, the old man was ill, and dying, his son, Albert for his doctor visits, then ran into a claim that silver available gold cure rabbi, silver because the gold price is too high, and is likely to be false, in urging, Albert livni Mr Priests for Albert in the silver mirror saw a gold, but lasted only five seconds. Albert considered livshitz a crafty liar. He said it was an absurd deception to send the priest, father and daughter, to the police, while reverend livshitz, staggering as he said, "be kind to an old man. Think of your father. He loves you. But Albert began to blame his father, saying he hated him and wanted him dead. At the sound of the curse the priest pointed furiously at the god of heaven and, in horror, accused Albert of murder. Albert had a terrible headache. An hour later, his father, old gans, closed his eyes and breathed his last. The author does not, until the end, point out to the reader whether Albert's doubts and curses led to his father's death or whether livshitz was himself an elaborate liar.

When malamud wrote "silvercrest," he was carefully choreographed in three places: his narrative perspective, a plot that constantly fits into an anti-semitic archetype and an o Henry ending.

In silvercrest, there are not many people, mainly two people. One is Albert, a young man who advocates pragmatism and has a scientific attitude. He is a middle school biology teacher, who embodies the cultural value orientation of contemporary American subject. The other is livshitz, a retired jewish community priest who represents the most oppressed, newest immigrants to the United States and lives at the bottom of the Yiddish jewish culture in history. His daughter, livkell, plays a role in provoking conflict and reinforcing it. Malamud, uncharacteristically, narrates the story entirely from Albert's point of view, using Albert's eyes to observe livshitz, livkell, and the jewish community, influencing the development of the story through his psychological portrayal. The whole text is "unfair", there is only a psychological description of Albert, the reader can only follow Albert's point of view and feeling into the story itself, and for Mr Given only to Mr Appearance of action description, and the author design dialogue, not only no psychology, and the author of words and deeds do not explain to him, he is always in a passive description. The reason for each of Albert's doubts is on assignment, and livshitz can only passively answer tough questions and even be forced to show the existence of the silver crown through illusion. Their active and passive forms in the text are in sharp contrast. For example, when Albert questioned whether the silver crown was useful to pagans, the author did not explain it from the doctrine of Judaism itself. Judaism believes that the world will be judged for what it does, not for what it believes; All righteous peoples share in the coming world of peace. The author's response to Albert, designed for livshitz, was "god doubts us, we doubt god, it is an attribute of existence, as long as you love your father I don't worry about it". This religiously oriented approach to communication led Albert to find no effective decoding or understanding of what he represented as America's modern, scientifically pragmatic culture. Almost all the dialogues between Albert and livshitz were deliberately insufficiently communicated, which reflected the reality of contemporary society -- jewish culture has no right to dialogue in society. Foucault, a French philosopher and historian, believed that discourse is right. The aphasia of jewish culture in the environment reflects the fact of being oppressed, and the oppression comes from the realistic advantages of the subject culture.


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