

Mr. Bean's search for true love

2020-05-27 18:43:17 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文-Mr. Bean's search for true love。本文讲述当我们试图确定支持人类在道德上重要而类动物无所谓的论证时。发生边际案例。您总会发现有些动物具有区分动物和人类的特征,而某些特殊的人类群体或个人则没有。也就是说,您无法确定一个明确的特征,即人类拥有权利而动物没有权利,在某些情况下您会忽略。边缘案件挑战了科恩的论点,即人类拥有权利而动物没有权利。他认为拥有权利意味着您必须成为道德共同体和自治的一部分,并对他们的行为负责。但是,有些群体处于边缘地位,例如婴儿,严重弱智的人,年纪大,痴呆的人。这是否意味着没有权利?显然,他的观点适合大多数人,但并不适合所有人。我不赞成否认科恩论点的边际案例,这意味着边际案例对我很有说服力。尽管科恩的回答表明,“将人与动物区分开来的道德判断能力并不是一项对人类进行的测试。由于某种原因而无法履行人类固有的全部道德功能的人,当然不会因此而从道德社区中退出。”最近,他修改了真正重要的是人类是人类的一部分,而动物却不是。因此,我们进入了另一个方面,即物种主义,它坚持人类在道德上是重要的而动物不是。但是,就像种族主义和性别歧视一样,它们在确定一个人的道德价值或应如何对待它方面不起作用。物种只是道德能力的某些能力或特征的非常粗略的代表,也就是说,鸡没有人类的地位高,因为它们不具有道德地位的特征,而不是其物种。

Mr. Bean's search for true love

When we try to identify the demonstration which support the idea that human beings matter morally and non-human animals do not. Marginal cases occur. You always can find some animals possess the features which you differentiate animals and human beings and some special human being groups or individuals do not. That is, you could not identify a feature that clearly that human beings have rights and animals do not have, there are marginal cases that you ignored. The marginal cases challenge Cohen’s argument that human have rights while animals do not have. He argues that having rights means that you must be part of moral community and autonomous, and can take responsibility for their actions. However, there are some groups who are in marginal status, such as babies, severely mentally-handicapped and the very old and demented. Does that mean do not have rights? Apparently not, his argument are suitable to most people but not all. And I disapprove of the marginal cases which deny Cohen’s argument, which means the marginally cases are convincing to me. Although Cohen responses indicate, “The capacity for moral judgment that distinguishes humans from animals is not a test to be administered to human beings one by one. Persons who are unable, because of some disability, to perform the full moral functions natural to human beings are certainly not for that reason ejected from the moral community.” Lately, he revised that what really matters is that humans are part of the human species and animals are not. Therefore, we came to another aspect, speciesism which insist that human matter morally while animals are not. But like racism and sexism, they play no role in determining one’s moral worth or how one should be treated. Specie is only a very rough proxy for certain capacities or features to the moral status, that is to say, chickens do not have as much as status as human beings because they do not have the features to moral status, not their species.
Marginally case is powerful because it includes special situations to challenge the common knowledge. That is to say, the marginally cases objected Cohen’s argument that human have rights while animals do not, human can choice whether they want to do one thing or not and also take responsibilities, but animals cannot. So Cohen against the use of animals for biomedical research because animals have no right to not to be experimented on. Therefore, the marginal cases which try to identify equality support the consumption of animals and animal products and our use of animals in medical research. In this view, animals have rights to be experimented on or to be killed. Actually, there are millions animals that are killed to be our food and for experiment every year. The factory farms are built to supply our food demanding. Eating animals become a routine in people’s life although there are opponents who are objected to eating meats. However, the chain of factory farms are not humane. The condition where animal lives are bad and they suffer a lot in their life. One reason that against animals eating is that animals can suffer. Thus treated animals humanely is an urgent measures we need to practice. Our reasons of eating animals for various reasons, habits, tradition, good taste. But our demanding increase the consumption of the animal and animal products, and we know clearly that during the process the animals suffer than we could imagine, thus taking suitable measures to alleviate animal suffer is the first consideration. Our killing can be done humanely, we also can improve the condition of the factory farms. As for experimented animals, we need to take mercy killing after the experiment. Nowadays, there are many animal protection organization struggle for that and people also improve their awareness of animal protection.
In general, marginal cases support the animal consumption, no matter from tradition our habit, it has become one part of our life. Animal consumption cannot decline in a short period. But we can do more things to alleviate the suffering of animals. Treat animals in humane way is our final option.


