

Kendo: Chapter VII (I)

2009-12-04 20:12:30 | 日記
in the backyard, you will feel cheated over hot rush Hazime Ou Gen, stalk him, this removal, a deep breath, between the meridians in one week, not the body rates pleasure. Hospitals in combat, fencing is a great boy Chinodonwanchi disciples were worried. Hitoshi Ou is already more than 30 years, the boy was 17 or 18, but older, you can see, almost doubling the difference between the two, but boy are available. Gen Hazime Kanliaoyikuai King not, press the hot key, Ken Ken, our boys also felt Gang issued in unbearable heat. Thus he appears in the view of the external field Chiang Kai - Shek continued training of the senses can imagine a sword boy king of Qi. Look Hyeon Hazime Ou, past and is working to take down the Donghu Chino, disheveled hair want to come back, find a stand on any of the other side of the pupil is already lost, found, the boy wash your hands. Qi Xian Wang