TLEAいのちの冠福岡教会のHot News ☆ Church's news



2014-05-01 22:08:38 | 孤児院

写真ニュースより→ カンボジア孤児院を訪問してくださったマレーシアの学校の生徒さん達と先生方から、衣類やノートや色鉛筆文房具用品、タオル、ビタミン類など、たくさんのものをいただきました。感謝致します。 About 20 people including students and teachers from Malaysia visited our orphanage in Cambodia on April 28. The principal visited Cambodia yearly that they came to our orphanage with his school teachers and students regularly. They enjoyed talking, singing and playing games together. What a wonderful day it was with children