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九州の教会ブログ紹介・ Lumiere Blog ~輝く日々~

2013-06-04 20:44:32 | ブログ

九州の教会のブログをご紹介します。 I'd like to introduce you some blogs of churches in Kyushu.諫早教会の賛美チームのブログ「Lumiere Blog ~輝く日々~」です。こちらからご覧ください。良かった時は拍手を!→ This is a blog of a praise band of Isahaya Church, "Lumiere Blog -Shining days". Click below URL. If you like it, press "claps".  また、「感謝と賛美のブログ」もあります。是非、ご覧ください→  Also, there is another one, "blog of giving thanks and praise". Have a look.


昔話・その3 続き  3 Following the old tale

2013-06-04 20:37:56 | 昔話


But at that time, and has been a gesture of wanting to pull to come held out my head what. So I was pulling it boldly across with pliers and gingerly (in readiness from being scratched too much of a pain). I was a stand shivering If you think you or acting violently. Then the white cat recovered vigor, was the most longevity even while being threatened every day from the father. 
It is Omowasa each time it reminds me of Bonn at the time, also human beings, people who rely on God, those who take refuge in recognition of weakness and I must do blessed.

昔話・その3   3 the old tale

2013-06-04 20:26:55 | 昔話

私が中学生の頃、我が家は野良猫を拾っては飼っていました。でも皆、長生きしませんでした。田舎で野犬にやられたり、銃で撃たれたりするのが原因です。ある時、オスの白い猫を飼いましたが、ネズミが屋根裏で運動会をしていても、動こうとしないのでボンクラのボンと呼ばれ、父からは「殺す」(これは本気)と度々脅されていました。そんなある日、空気銃の球を頭に受けて帰ってきました。 これで終わりだと思いました。  続く• •     kosuda     写真は今飼っているネコ、みーちゃん。

When I was a junior high school, I had kept it picked up a stray cat to my home. But all did not live long. It is a cause or beaten to wild dogs in the country, is to or been shot with a gun. Once, I bought a white cat in male, but is referred to as the Bonn of dumb-ass rat be in the athletic meet in the attic, because it does not budge, often threatening from the father "kill" (this is serious) and had been. I came back in response to head Then one day, a ball of air gun. I think it's the end of it.

• • kosuda    photo subsequent cat now


2013-06-04 20:21:10 | 孤児院

写真ニュースより→ カンボジア孤児院のヴィスナに関しての近況報告ですが、足の腫みと痛みは完全になくなり、また足の甲辺りの感覚がないと言っていた状況も回復し感覚が戻ったと本人は言っています。もともと、体を動かす事が大好きな男の子ですので、体調が元に戻って嬉しそうに体を動かしまくっています。

This is the present situation of Visna of Cambodia orphanage. Dropsy and pain of his foot have gone completely, and conditions that he expressed lost all sensation in his the instep got better, and he says the sensation came back. He is a very active boy by nature, and he is moving his body so actively since he got well. But a result of second examination he took last month was “positive” to bacterium. Doctor told me that he finishes the treatment the doctor had been giving him since the boy’s condition had gotten well. I don’t know why it result in “positive” even now. He will take next examination three months later. Thank you very much for your prayer for his healing. I would be thankful if you remember him in your prayer continuously that the result will change to “negative” from “positive”


チェコ・ドイツ・フィンランド  ヨーロッパチーム直前情報写真集

2013-06-04 20:06:23 | 海外宣教

「チェコ・ドイツ・フィンランド、ヨーロッパチーム直前情報写真集」がアップされました。ぜひご覧下さい。 We have uploaded the blog “From June 11th to 19th Czech Republic, Germany, Finland information Photos just before Europe team” Please take a look.

We have uploaded the blog
“From June 11th to 19th
Czech Republic, Germany, Finland information Photos just before Europe team”
Please take a look.


2013-06-04 12:19:01 | 神学校


