TLEAいのちの冠福岡教会のHot News ☆ Church's news


祝福されている We were blessed

2012-08-02 14:28:30 | 

Pastor Paual Akimoto brought a message from 1Thessalonians 5:16-18, that Vhristian have been blessed by God,even in difficulties. But it will come out through our faith, through giving thanks for all things and listening to word ofGodand obeying it.

奇蹟 Miracle

2012-08-02 13:48:41 | 

Pastor Isaiah Makoto Kihara brought a message from John chapter 2, about the importance for us to obey word of God simply from first miracle of Jesus, which water turned into vine.

湧き水 Spring water

2012-08-02 13:29:48 | 


Shimabara has spring water, it looks like she has plenty of water.
A restaurant where we went to have a lunch with Pastor Paul Akimoto was a small place, but they made a stream inside of the restaurant, it made us cool.