

3rd day in NYC

2011-05-01 23:36:00 | food
For sunday brunch we went to another hip spot where New Yorkers wait in line for good food, Northern Spy on E12th St, NY. Here too people enjoy their weekend morning just eating brunch with their important people. It's different from how we spend weekends in japan.

There is another place I wanted to go to, Hudson River Park Chelsea Pier.

The shoreline of Manhattan used to be no man's land of rotten piers, parking lots, and abandoned industrial sites as a result of people looking their back to it for decades. In 1992 first time in its history New York city offered a long term vision to revitalize shoreline, to make waterfront more accessible to people. The construction of Hudson River Park is opening chapter of the waterfront vision. In 2011 East River esplanade is planned to be accessible and we will be able to walk around manhattan along shoreline. In 2020 vision water will be as clean so that oysters can come back to the waterfront and people can commute by canoes!! This vision is not only for environment but for job creation and that is very thoughtful investment for NYC.

The old rail which used be left untouched with bushes and mouses nests is now a bed with flower and trees.
Great place to stroll on weekends and to play with manmade water streams in hot weather for little kids.

We used to go to movies on weekends when rate was much cheaper than Japan, maybe 7 bucks or so, but now a days movie going is not such an inexpensive leisure in NY. But only blockbuster or selected movies reach Japan, so movie like this, Bill Cunningham from Zeitgeist Films, will be no show in Japan. Bill Cunningham near 80 years old is a long career fashion photographer for New York Times Magazine and I used to watch his photos in teens so he is very familiar to me. The movie captures his passion to photograph people and celebrities in their sparkling moments in clothes at the era. He goes everywhere and in any weather in NYC on his bicycle to take the moment. From outside he is a single old man, but at heart he seems to be younger than I am. We were all inspired from him and felt how we are showing back to our capabilities with excuses.

Eat, walk, play, walk, and eat, it's already time for dinner, we went to my sister's another recommendation, a vegetarian Japanese noodle restaurant,Souen in East Village.
It is so popular that there are several Souen in Manhattan. Fake meat made of soybeans chips and broth made with only vegetable taste not Japanese but NY food.

Satisfied with vegetarian dinner or not, we couldn't refuse gorgeous desert at Chikalicious on E10th St, it's a desert bar run by Japanese patissier.
Desert course menu comes with appetizer, main dish and petit gateaux. In spite of its price the place was crowded with young couples and pedestrians look through windows with curiosity. This place is so bright that it stands out in night. it's not very common in NY to see bright restaurants or bars with lights.

I selected caramel ice cream with rhubarb, you can see process of desert making over the counter and it was like a magic.

