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日記 魔法学校12 日本語訳付き 最新魔法講座

2022-09-26 22:26:47 | 日記

魔法学校12|Magicd School 12|DaiFukuoka|Sep.23|2022AD|イザベラクラスルーム|イザベラ|イザベルルーエレイナ|即位|Wizaed|Palmist|Scouter|Demoonnogist

My Name is Dai Fukuoka,Carrent Time is Sep.23 2022AD Fri day.My Future is Isablla ClassRoom Instruction.
This Magic School is Basic Any Magic Program's.
Standard is Correct Pronunciation(コーレクトプローゼイション)Read English Instruction ClassⅡ with Common375 to Number is Date and Time and Count&Count and Day and Night and Hours and Minuts and Second and Week and fourth Quarter and Common384 Ghost and Shadow and Cross Bronze.
High Level Architecture Magic Program is Common405 Return Lost is All HP Count and Zero and Target Reverse Call All Tarot and Creature's.
Common 407 and Lost Destroy is Destroyed All Lost Creature's in Return Your Fee Mana Cost Copy Chain Information's.
Common 408 Lost Tarot is Destroyed All All Tarot and Target Reverse Call The Tarot in Return All Tarot.
Last is Sanctions Target Name is Direct Attack Name with Trophy Memory Magic Creature is Executed with Common 406.
Accession Magic is Give Your Tarot is Level 4 Magician Class is Palmist is Call Target Name and Friendly and Not Identify Charge Feel Saints and Angel and 9 Violet and Yui with Talot0 Tarot Tarot Level3 Tarot Level 6 All Standard's with Common420 Sign is Accession Palmist Target Your Cover Name.
Same Case is Wizard is Charge Ychii and Cherubim and Yui and Machine is All Lost Devil and Demon's Return Sign Your Creature's Safety Return Right Promise with Common 421.
Same Case is Master Dragon Priest is Charge Machine and Ayaka and Cherubim and Saints is Supreme Black Magician with Priest with Common 422.
Same Case is Master Scouter is Charge Machine and Mouse and Saints and Mao is Thieves Gild Master with Common 423.
Same Case is Lucifer is Charge Tomoe and Lucifer and Cursaider and Yushou Supreme Fallen Angel Name and Archangel with Common 425.
Same Case is Master Demonologist is Charge Hades While Leve 1 to 4 Addis 聖徒と誠とDeathと聖騎士 This Japan Word Hades Sign With Common 424.
Summon Diagram Summoner Magic Succeed Target Your Cover Name is All Give Max Transfer Your Creature's All with Chapter 9 Addis with Common 417 and 占星術師召喚士継承
Common 414 with Diagram Safety Guard Target Transfer to Name Sends is Diagram All Lod and Staff and Wand All 8 Clause with 六等星守護.
Give Transfer Cover Name is Creature's Pack in Instructor0 Pack, Common 415.
Common 416 Spy4 Pack is Creature's Pack Spy4 Set up.
Common 418 is Spliliture Fight is Zero And Fee Set up 0 Cost Summon Mini Malted Pack.
Common Police Pack is All Zero Police and Wizard Police Servant Job Explorer in Hamman and Spilt Record's.

Magic12|Lesson12|Dai Fukuoka|イザベラクラスルーム日本語|イザベルルーエレイナ

私の名前は福岡大です。現在の時間は西暦 2022 年 9 月 23 日金曜日です。私の将来はイザブラ教室の指導です。この魔法学校は普遍的ないくもの魔法プログラムです。標準は正しい発音です。Common 375でクラス2の英語の説明書を読むに番号は日付と、時間と、数と数と日と朝晩と時間ンと分と秒と週と第四四半期と共通384聖霊と影と十字墓です。高度建築工学魔法プログラムは共通405 帰す失われたは全部生命数のゼロの反対対象呼び出し全部のタロットの営造物達。基本407の失われた破壊は破壊された全部の失われた営造物の中に帰るあなたの料金マナ費用複製連結情報。共通408失われたタロットは破壊された全部のタロットと反対対象呼び出しそのタロットの中に帰る全部のタロット。最後は制裁 対象名前は直接攻撃名前と一緒に戦利品記憶魔法営造物は処刑と一緒に共通406。