
同人誌 動画 プログラム 情報処理 アート グラフィックス 有償 2018年創業

セイレーン 英語訳 日本語記載

2021-11-25 00:25:52 | 日記
2021.12.7(Mon) 7月の嫉妬の大罪の嫉妬、セイレーンであるマーメイド、ドイツ神話ローレライの泉水の身投げ、操船沈没、歌声魅了および海に身投げ、女性の生贄、嫉妬の大罪、美しい歌声、薄汚い船より

Key Word 7 Great Criminal Law & Sin Envy,Seiren of Marmeid,German of Deity Story of Drown myself in German lake & Forgotten manage handle Ship in The Ship sank & Seiren is beautiful Voice a Cause and Effect & Loreley's Seiren Name is Mermaid is Cuhvenen representative of Pirate with Ship galley is Slightly Dirty Ship.

July Birth Day is Seiren Are Mermaid,ancient People Talking of Deity.That Name is Drowned Oneself in a Sea or That Seiren's Sing a Song charming Sea Crew is Had Forgotten manage handle Ship in The Ship sank by Laziness.Break Sail Ship galley is Slightly Dirty Ship Live That Seiren is beautiful Voice a Cause with Effect,Loreley's Seiren Name is Mermaid is Cuhvenen representative of Pirate.German Drown myself in Lake of A sourced(origin).Seiren is Not Pride with an appearance Denny in the Great with Reverse Happiness with Natural Virtue.Deity Story Envy Princess Mermaid of Seiren as Loreley