arena8order Δ慧會隴

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝頭 Long-Shout Woo-t.a. Earof.

Monday report NO959 of lasher

2013-03-29 18:54:53 | 日記


Notebook of Susumu Yanase

Monday report NO959 2013/3/25 since1991 of lasher 進

[1] I exposed it, and a mouse uncovered it; "fragility" and "a weakness."

[2] The intention of the Japanese company in Asia.

[3] Is the revival of the one-party rule all right?

[1] I exposed it, and a mouse uncovered it; "fragility" and "a weakness."

●A cooling function of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant stopped.

It was good to have recovered immediately, but should strengthen the most important function to keep the reckless driving of the fuel rod as more.

Both "the even invasion of one of the mouse and" "the lower that there was not by a prediction ability for correspondence" are problems.

You should make every possible effort for the construction of a solid supply of electric power system.

[2] The intention of the Japanese company in Asia.

●"Q!" The program of the という tele morning is good unexpectedly.

There was a question to let you put the country where a lot of Japanese companies went into to the tenth place on March 18. When there would be much Asia, I expected it, but was more than expected.

In the tenth place other than Asia only in United States, U.K., German three countries.

In the Japanese company, Asia seems to be it predominantly-oriented.

●When statistics annual and the source of questions are not clear, but update the name of a country and the number of the advance companies…

The first place. China…5,565 companies

The second place. The United States…2,649 third place. Thailand…1,434 companies

The fourth place. Singapore…830 fifth place. Taiwan…751 companies

The sixth place. Malaysia…616 seventh place. Indonesia…585 eighth place. Korea…581 companies

The ninth place. The U.K.…563 tenth place. Germany…493 companies

●Of course it is not to be able to say to choler, but I seem to give priority to it, but how about cooperation with Asia more than TPP of the Pacific rim when I watch only the placement situation of the country of the advance?

[3] Is the revival of the one-party rule all right?

●The Liberal Democratic Party is predominantly dominant when I watch the situation of the approval rating of each current political party.

However, an approval rating of the Liberal Democratic Party is too too high and comes to feel slightly sick.

●For example, the の numbers that "I heard in 300 metropolitan areas" of news 2001 of yesterday's classic TV are as follows.

The Liberal Democratic Party…45.64% (approval rating of the Abe Cabinet)…79.4% of)

The Democratic Party…3.8%

Your Party…3.6%


The New Komeito…3.0%

Communist Party…1.6%

●Because one's Democratic Party to belong to is low, I do not feel uneasiness.

When look at such a number; "does the two-party system not take root in this country?" This is because it cannot but feel といった question.

●It supports the media where it is obstinate, and the real intention is bad for the Democratic Party to sometimes feel, and Abe, the Liberal Democratic Party opposite to it is the news oops-a-daisy, but I put it aside, and the one づいた support tendency is too uncomfortable in this rest for some reason.

●The extinction of the feeling of strain of the change of government certainly produces corruption and reckless driving.

In the reason why healthy sense of balance does not get power, I am sharp in the Democratic Party.

There is a big cause why vitality as the criticism power is short.

You should reflect on this strictly.

●Tochigi office 〒 320-0807 1-1-16, Matsugamine, Utsunomiya-shi
tel 028-633-5421 fax 028-636-1017


Japanese company in Asia.

2013-03-29 18:50:54 | 日記

шшш → шшш

簗瀬 進さんのノート → Notebook of Susumu Yanase →

やなせ進のマンデーレポート NO9592013/3/25since1991 → Monday report NO959 2013/3/25 since1991 of lasher進

【1】鼠が晒した!暴いた!「脆さ」と「弱さ」。 → [1]

【2】日本企業のアジア志向。 → Iexposed it,andamouse uncovered it;"fragility" and"aweakness."

【3】一党支配の復活でよいのだろうか。 → [2]

【1】鼠が晒した!暴いた!「脆さ」と「弱さ」。 → Theintention oftheJapanese company in Asia.

●福島原発の冷却機能が止まった。 → [3]
すぐに回復したのは良かったが、燃料棒の暴走を止める最重要な機能をもっと強化すべきである。 → Istherevival oftheone-party rule all right?

「ネズミの一匹の侵入」さえも、予測を出来なかった「対応能力の低さ」も問題だ。 → [1]

堅牢な配電システムの構築に全力をあげるべきである。 → Iexposed it,andamouse uncovered it;"fragility" and"aweakness."

【2】日本企業のアジア志向。 → Acooling function oftheFukushima Nuclear Power Plant stopped.

●「Qさま!」というテレ朝の番組は、意外にためになる。 → It was good to have recovered immediately,but should strengthenthemost important function to keepthereckless driving ofthefuel rod as more.

3月18日は日本の企業が多く進出している国を10位まで当てさせる問いがあった。 → Both"theeven invasion of one ofthemouse and""thelower that there was not byaprediction ability for correspondence" are problems.

アジアが多いだろうなと予想したが、想像以上だった。 → You should make every possible effort fortheconstruction ofasolid supply of electric power system.

10位中、アジア以外はアメリカ、イギリス、ドイツの3か国だけ。 → [2]

日本企業は、圧倒的にアジア志向のようである。 → Theintention oftheJapanese company in Asia.

●出題の統計年次や出典は明らかでないが国名と進出企業数を再掲すると… → "Q!"

1位.中国…5565社 → Theprogram ofthe tele morning is good unexpectedly.
2位.アメリカ…2649社 → There wasaquestion to let you putthecountry where a lot of Japanese companies went into tothetenth place on March 18.
3位.タイ…1434社 → When there would be much Asia, Iexpected it,but was more than expected.
4位.シンガポール…830社 → Inthetenth place other than Asia only in United States,U.K.,German three countries.
5位.台湾…751社 → IntheJapanese company,Asia seems to be it predominantly-oriented.
6位.マレーシア…616社 → When statistics annual andthesource of questions are not clear,but updatethename of a country andthenumber oftheadvance companies
7位.インドネシア…585社 → Thefirst place.
8位.韓国…581社 → China
9位.イギリス…563社 → 5,565 companies
10位.ドイツ…493社 → Thesecond place.

●もちろん胆汁に言えることではないが、進出先の国の配置状況だけ見ると、環太平洋のTPPよりも、アジアとの連携がより、優先するように思えるがどうだろうか。 → TheUnited States

【3】一党支配の復活でよいのだろうか。 → 2,649 third place.

●現在の各政党の支持率の状況を見ると、圧倒的に自民党優位。 → Thailand

しかしあまりにも自民党の支持率が高すぎて、少々気味が悪くなる。 → 1,434 companies

●例えば、昨日の定番テレビの報道2001の「首都圏300人に聞きました」の数字は以下の通り。 → Thefourth place.

自民党…45. → Singapore
64%(安倍内閣の支持率…79.4%) → 830 fifth place.
民主党…3.8% → Taiwan
みんなの党…3.6% → 751 companies
維新…3.0% → Thesixth place.
公明…3.0% → Malaysia
共産…1.6% → 616 seventh place.

●自分の所属する民主が低いから不安を感じているのではない。 → Indonesia

このような数字を見ると、「この国には二大政党制は定着しないのかな?」といった疑問を感じざるを得ないからである。 → 585 eighth place.

●時々感じるのは、民主党に対する執拗で底意地の悪いマスコミ対応であり、それと裏腹な安倍・自民ヨイショ報道だが、それはさておいて、このあまりにも一方づいた支持傾向は、どうも居心地が悪すぎる。 → Korea

●政権交代の緊張感の消滅は、まちがいなく腐敗と暴走を生む。 → 581 companies

健全なバランス感覚が力を得ない理由には、民主党にするどい。 → Theninth place.

批判勢力としての活力が不足していることに大きな原因がある。 → TheU.K.

このことを厳しく反省すべきではないか。 → 563 tenth place.

●栃木事務所〒320-0807 宇都宮市松が峰1-1-16 → Germany
tel028-633-5421 fax028-636-1017 → 493 companies


→ Of course it is not to be able to say to choler,butIseem to give priority to it,but how about cooperation with Asia more than TPP ofthePacific rim whenIwatch onlytheplacement situation ofthecountry oftheadvance?

→ [3]
→ Istherevival oftheone-party rule all right?
→ TheLiberal Democratic Party is predominantly dominant whenIwatchthesituation oftheapproval rating of each current political party.
→ However, anapproval rating oftheLiberal Democratic Party is too too high and comes to feel slightly sick.
→ For example, the のnumbers that "I heard in 300 metropolitan areas" of news 2001 of yesterday's classic TV are as follows.
→ TheLiberal Democratic Party
→ 45.64%(approval rating oftheAbe Cabinet)
→ 79.4% of)
→ TheDemocratic Party
→ 3.8%
→ Your Party
→ 3.6%
→ Revolution
→ 3.0%
→ TheNew Komeito
→ 3.0%
→ Communist Party
→ 1.6%
→ Because one's Democratic Party to belong to is low, Ido not feel uneasiness.
→ When look at suchanumber;"doesthetwo-party system not take root in this country?"
→ This is because it cannot but feel question.
→ It supportsthemedia where it is obstinate,andthereal intention is bad fortheDemocratic Party to sometimes feel,and Abe, theLiberal Democratic Party opposite to it isthenews oops-a-daisy,butIput it aside,andtheone support tendency is too uncomfortable in this rest for some reason.
→ Theextinction ofthefeeling of strain ofthechange of government certainly produces corruption and reckless driving.
→ Inthereason why healthy sense of balance does not get power, Iam sharp intheDemocratic Party.
→ There isabig cause why vitality asthecriticism power is short.
→ You should reflect on this strictly.
→ Tochigi office〒320-0807 1-1-16, Matsugamine, Utsunomiya-shi
→ tel 028-633-5421 fax 028-636-1017
→ E-mail

Spareariver; Redio FM(79.1MHz)

2013-03-29 17:27:29 | 日記

щщщ → щщщ

防犯関係では、相変わらず空き巣の被害が後を絶ちません。 → Bythesecurity relations,there is nottheback no from damage ofthesneak-thievery same as before.

今年(3月24日現在)に入り、市内では空き巣の被害が96件発生しており、昨年の同時期と比べてみると25件も増加しています。 → (as of March 24)begins,and 96 damage ofthesneak-thievery occurs inthecity,and 25 increase this year whenIcompare it withthesame period in last year.

また、3月に入り、ひったくりの被害が増えてきています、特に、川崎区での被害が多く、3月18日(月)から3月24日(日)までの1週間に4件も発生しています。 → In addition,March begins,and damage ofthesnatching increases;in particular a lot of damage in Kawasaki-ku from Monday, March 18 to Sunday, March 24 four occur,too a week.

ひったくり犯人はオートバイや自転車などの乗り物を利用することが多いので、ご注意ください。 → Because you often usethevehicles such asamotorcycle orthebicycle,please warnthesnatching criminal.

昨年中の神奈川県内の空き巣被害の手口をみると、約5割が窓などのガラスを破っての侵入、約3割が無締り場所からの侵入となっています。 → Invasion,approximately 30% with approximately 50% tearingtheglass such as windows becometheinvasion fromtheno cracking down on place whenIwatchatrick ofthesneak-thievery damage in Kanagawa in last year.

空き巣など侵入どろぼうの被害を防止する基本は戸締りの徹底です。 → Thebasics to preventthedamage oftheinvasion thief includingthesneak-thievery are thorough locking.

さらに、玄関、窓などには補助錠を取り付けましょう。 → Furthermore,let's attachasupporting lock totheentrance, awindow.

川崎市では、専門の職員「安全・安心まちづくり対策員」がお宅を訪問して空き巣対策などのアドバイスをする、住宅の無料防犯診断を実施しておりますので、ご利用ください。 → Because you carry outthefree of charge crime prevention diagnosis ofthespecialized house whichastaff "member of making of security,cheap expectation measures" visitsthehome,and advises sneak-thievery measures in Kawasaki-shi,please use it.

交通事故関係では、3月18日(月)から3月24日(日)までの1週間に川崎市内で発生した人身交通事故は69件で、1名の方がお亡くなりになっています。 → Thehuman body traffic accidents that occurred in Kawasaki-shi a week from Monday, March 18 to Sunday, March 24 are 69 cases,and,bythetraffic accident relations,one person passes away.

各区の発生件数は、川崎区で18件、宮前区16件、高津区11件、幸区と多摩区で7件、中原区6件、麻生区4件でした。 → Thenumber of outbreak of each ward was seven cases,Nakahara-ku six,Asao four in 18 cases,Miyamae-ku 16,Takatsu-ku 11,Saiwai-ku and Tama-ku in Kawasaki-ku.

今年(3月24日現在)に入り、県内では交通事故により38名の方がお亡くなりになっています。 → (as of March 24)begins,and 38 people pass away byatraffic accident this year intheprefecture.

また、川崎市内では、5件の発生で5名の方がお亡くなりになっています。 → In addition,in Kawasaki-shi,five people pass away by five outbreak.

交通死亡事故は、川崎区で発生しています。 → Thetraffic fatal accident occurs in Kawasaki-ku.

3月22日(月)午後6時00分ころ、川崎区境町の路上において、路外駐車場から右折進行しようとした軽四貨物自動車と右方向から進行してきた二輪車が衝突し、二輪車の53歳の男性がお亡くなりになっています。 → Thetwo-wheeled vehicle which progressed fromalight four truck andtheright direction thatIturn right fromtheparking lot out oftheway,and were going to progress collides inastreet of Sakai-machi, Kawasaki-ku at about 6:00 p.m. on Monday, March 22,andthe53-year-old man ofthetwo-wheeled vehicle passes away.

重大な交通事故は被害者だけではなく加害者やその家族をも不幸にするという事を忘れてはいけません。 → Theserious traffic accident must not forget to make not onlythevictim but alsoanassailant andthefamily unhappy.

ドライバーの方はもとより、自転車や歩行者の方、大人から子どもまで一人ひとりが交通ルールを守り、「交通事故の無い安全・安心なまちかわさき」を目指しましょう。‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐それでは、4/1~4/5放送予定のラジオ番組「地域安全かわら版」について配信しますので、是非お聴きください。 → Each one protects traffic rules from ofabicycle andthewalker, anadult toachild from the start,and "there is notthetraffic accident, Iam reliable safely, Iwait,andariver blooms",andthedriver will aim atを.

【放送局】 → [broadcasting station]
かわさきFM(79.1MHz) → Spareariver;FM(79.1MHz)

【放送時間】 → [broadcast time]
毎週月曜日~金曜日、防犯情報=8時15分頃~、交通安全情報=17時10分頃~【放送内容】 → For from every Monday to Friday security information=about 8:15 ,road safety information=about 17:10 [broadcast content]

<防犯情報> →
3/18~3/24の市内各区の犯罪発生件数、空き巣及びひったくりの被害防止対策、住宅の無料防犯診断について<交通安全情報> → It is
3/18~3/24の市内各区の交通事故発生状況、春の全国交通安全運動について → Aboutthetraffic accident outbreak situation of each city ward of 3/18-3/24,spring national Traffic Safety Campaign

【関連ホームページ】 → [homepage concerned]

○かわさきFM( → Spareariver;FM(

○防犯情報( → Security information(

○交通安全( → Road safety(

【お問い合わせ】 → Contact
川崎市市民・こども局地域安全推進課 → Kawasaki-shi citizen,child locality area security promotion section

〒210-8577 川崎市川崎区宮本町1番地 → 〒210-8577 1, Miyamotocho, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi

電話044-200-2284/FAX044-200-3869 → Telephone 044-200-2284/FAX044-200-3869

E-mail: → E-mail: →
-------------------------------------- → ------------------------------------

★このサービスの登録内容を変更もしくは解除する場合はにメールを送信してください → When you changetheregistration contents of this service or you cancel it,please transmitanemail to

「サイバーテロ」に関連したコンピュータ・ITの英語例文の一覧 -

Re: 防犯・交通安全情報(放送案内184号)

2013-03-29 17:00:24 | 日記






 〒210-8577 川崎市川崎区宮本町1番地




2013-03-29 02:45:01 | 日記

хххフィリピン軍(The Philippine military・Armed Forcesof the Philippines,AFP)は、フィリピンの軍隊。 → Armed Forces of the Philippines,…

ооо川崎市感染症情報のメール配信サービス登録の皆様へ第12週で定点当たり報告数の多かった疾病は、1)感染性胃腸炎 2)インフルエンザ 3)A群溶血性レンサ球菌咽頭炎でした。 感染性胃腸炎は定点当たり9.82人と前週(1…