arena8order Δ慧會隴

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝頭 Long-Shout Woo-t.a. Earof.


2013-03-03 13:27:37 | 日記


I build an island and a building at both country of any place and the organization with the machinery and tools and weapons which the friend continued stealing with there not being the permission of the world in a domain of Japan and talk big with "the secret base of the collected studies", and, as for the terrorist whole families who were statelessness and the China nationality named the Korea agent that it was which I continue occupying, it is with nationality of "Machu Picchu".

It is the war crime clan of Pyongyang less than IQ50.

"Field savage tribe" With the Korea criminal organization where と is summoned to…The AAA war crime clan is Nazca and the Machu Picchu clans of the German principal offender…"Only in brothers of the person named the net of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan and child 非夭楊 -Pyongyang" created through artificial fertilization.

The hiding place (secret base) is built by Japan.

I gather hostages from all over the world and imprison it and am holding out a siege.

A serious base of the weapon use.

It is beautiful medicine → false Prime Minister, false Zao, false Fujian, Korea restoration society, Philippines treat, member of the Japan Red Army fraud, imperial family fraud, double of seizure occupation → Titanic criminal → Korea agent crime → hormone treatment, cardiotonic, Yang Guifei in Shi Huangdi, Empress Cixi's house of overall Machu Picchu → war crime → Reiko Chiba clan → Korea → Hata…дккк

Ratio country…The Operation Army…Cowardice…It is a sea-going vessel just after the outbreak of war…Watching games in the ship…Infection in the ship…Encephalitis…It is the Operation Army after the end of the war…Thief…Seizure…Terrorist…Cyberterrorism…Cracker…Under the Shinnihon artificial island whole families occupation…Seriousness base…U.S. forces weapon, quotation, use, the use…Whole world Electric, the communication facilities use…100 years war crime

Unexplored region…Abiogenesis rain forest of Machu Picchu…Ooparts…6…Prevention against evil…Seal…Gas-flamed cloth incinerator…Illegal entry…Illegal stay…False name, false nationality, false sex, false age, false name, disguised family register, disguised passport…Violation of international law…Repeated offence race











3月2日(土)のつぶやき その2

2013-03-03 02:22:04 | 日記

Wind and snow is no problem for our camera men on the roof top. #Solleftea2013

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 5 RT

拡散性ミリオンアーサー 最新無料ツール特集

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@Eve_Toyama_ele war1-3…terrorism…1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000w(元) world war climer Rubang @ Matyu Pichu #ккк

[速+] 【東京電力】 福島第1原発 汚染水「背水」の処理 タンク増設もう限界 高橋所長「70万トン、現時点で確保できるとは言えない」 #原発 #genpatsu

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 14 RT

即時兩岸: 氣質女下海賣淫 男恩客:我會娶妳: 即時兩岸: 氣質女下海賣淫 男恩客:我會娶妳 (蘋果日報)

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 1 RT

ККК朝鮮総連のωと偽るωрУЙКККХЛθwar1-3…terrorism…1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000won(元) world war climer Rubang @ Matyu Pichu…

КККωрУЙКККХЛθ in the disguise of ω of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in JapanКККwar1-3…terrorism…Or…

×××ккк…Because the racial Korea agent whole families called "Pyongyang" that took over Microsoft co. let you purcha…

θAs for me, as for the Sapporo City "Keihoku" commerce Senior High School times, an electronic calculation (program…

3月2日(土)のつぶやき その1

2013-03-03 02:22:03 | 日記

@19640811Eri @Eve_Toyama_ele @eve_eleana_eri war1-3…terrorism … 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000won(元)…world war climer Rubang @ Matyu Pichu #x

Reconciliation efforts urgently needed in #Mali to address displacement

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 33 RT

LAST CHANCE to register for #GazaMarathon: We're training with #Olympic star Nader el Masri:

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#UNSG Ban Ki-moon visiting ATLAS detector chamber @CERN research centre.

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Senior UN official recounts ‘daunting year’ for human rights

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How can you support our work for #childrenofsyria? Our appeal is 20% funded. You make a donation at #Syria Thank you!

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 94 RT

今夜のナビゲーターはインタビュアーの木村俊介さんです。番組で取り上げる主な内容は でお知らせしています。番組で紹介してよいツイートには #nhk24 をお願いします。

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 5 RT

マレーシア東部のボルネオ島で、島の一部の領有権を主張する隣国フィリピンの武装グループとマレーシアの治安部隊が衝突。双方の合わせて14人が死亡。サバ州では、フィリピン南部のイスラム教徒およそ200人が上陸、海岸近くの村を占拠。 #ккк

Thousands flee rebel clashes in eastern Congo

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 24 RT

よくわかる日本と朝鮮半島の古代史【学校やNHKでは教えてくれない事実】… @19640811Eri @Eve_Toyama_ele #ккк #ww3 #fan3terrorist

@Eve_Toyama_ele @arena8order 『朝鮮リサイクル』の長はピョンヤンで緋色犬の鈴木良男とマチュピチュの売の間に産まれた『嵐』と呼ばれる體。ジプシーの『黒魔術の妹』の直系の子孫で生まれ変わりとも言われる魔爺の実兄が嵐-體。 #ккк #ррр #xxx #X

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 1 RT

@19640811Eri @Eve_Toyama_ele 緋色犬の兒の灰色「悲鳴磊(雷)」の遺伝子で産まれた「非夭楊」と呼ばれる生き物は 産まれた直後は脚が4~8本の犬妖怪の姿だった。新生児の時から二足歩行の為に形成が始まる。枯葉剤の影響で多腕の腕を付けられ、人の形になるらしい。

@19640811Eri @Eve_Toyama_ele 恵比寿ガーデンプレイスは特別な風水で「気を拡散」する為に造られた。地下での非夭楊の黒魔術的交尾が繰り返された後に世界中…特にアジアの大震災が始まり、続いたらしい。負の拡散の繰返しは戦争以上の被害。 #ккк #ррр #d

9个口岸的X光机数量・至14台,加派200名工作人?,手拖行李和大型行李基本上都被要求上X光机“照一照”……“香港奶粉限?出?令”昨日生效,香港各口岸出???明?加? #ккк @19640811Eri @Eve_Toyama_ele

Lol.. Serena van der woodsen "@Abayomi_MIN2012: Mykel Scofield"@theQuestions_:Who's ur favorite characta in Gosip girl?#theQuestions""

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 2 RT

@Tessylilly @Abayomi_MIN2012 @theQuestions_ war1-3…terrorism…1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000won(元) world war climer Rubang @ Matyu Pichu #ккк

横浜-所沢、川越が80分に 16日から直通 - 日刊スポーツ

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 4 RT

@kanagawa_news @Eve_Toyama_ele @19640811Eri war1-3…terrorism…1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000won(元) world war climer Rubang @ Matyu Pichu #ккк


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Reading:強風の北日本 青森で貨物船が座礁 NHKニュース

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NHK総合 09:30 アニメ 銀河へキックオフ!!(39) -終-「銀河のワールドカップ」 #nhkgtv

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 4 RT

Philippines AAA war crime…ккк

2013-03-03 00:58:17 | 日記


The obligation of the Philippines and the triple A war crime clan which continue increasing the worlds with obsession and fraud between relation for 100 years of Machu Picchu is 100,000,000,000,000,000$(us.$).

What was able to collect is at half price.

The relative whom trained to be "the agent" who feigns it to the number of chromosomes and the name and age or sex works as an illegal stay in the companies and government offices and militaries of the world.

The male which was born with 4-8 feet when was born takes the usable parts such as an arm or a foot away from the body of many arms called "Siam" and many feet by the device of the relative, defoliant damage of the production and continues sacrificing it for the figure improvement of their relatives.

Using a bone and skin of another person, the relative who repeated the formation and cosmetic surgical treatment relies in the love with the man "to live in comfort" without knowing the meaning of physical condition defectiveness and kuru disease depending on rejection.

Therefore misunderstand the medical appliance for two pairs of walks for sex and hear it even if there are many prostitutes who became the occupation of a race.

Furthermore, repeat scatology and the cannibalism act that mistook for a racial folk remedy.

As a result, as a result of having taken in the parasitic egg which can be called the local disease other than "the incurable diseases" such as kuru disease or a venereal disease or cancer including HIV many times in the body, continue suffering from a symptom same as brain fever called division disease and the dementia and rely to a drug and the medicine which smuggling and the whole families sell.

The physical condition delinquent of a race can say that scatology is a cause.

There is not it by the encephalopathic act with the scatology.

Eat feces and urine.

Heard that ate the bowels of the effect same as scatology by cannibalism by all means.

It is a cause of the brain disorder not to stop not to stop.

100年間、世界中を強迫と詐欺で仲間を増やし続けているフィリピンとマチュピチュのトリプルA戦犯一族の負債額は 100,000,000,000,000,000$(us.$)。



産まれた時に4~8本の足で産まれた雄は 親族の考案、製造の枯葉剤被害で『シャム』と呼ばれる多腕や多足の体から腕や足等使える部位を奪い、自分達の親族の体型改良の為に犠牲にし続けている。

他人の骨や皮膚を利用し、形成や整形手術を繰り返した親族は 拒否反応に拠る、体調不良やクールー病の意味も知らずに『楽に生きる為』に男性との恋愛に頼る。

その為に 2足歩行の為の医療器具を性交渉の為と勘違いし、民族の生業になった売春婦が多いとも聞く。

更に 民族の民間療法と勘違いしたスカトロジーやカニバリズム行為を繰り返す。

その結果、クールー病やHIVを含む性病や癌等の『不治の病』の他に 風土病とも言える寄生虫の卵を何度も体内に取り入れた結果、分裂病や痴呆症と呼ばれる脳症と同じ症状で苦しみ続け、密輸入や一族の販売するドラッグや薬に頼っている。




