arena8order Δ慧會隴

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝頭 Long-Shout Woo-t.a. Earof.

divide age by 12 in Christian…

2013-03-01 23:47:46 | 日記


I was born in 1964 (39, Showa) years and am the Year of the Dragon.

I knew it with a great-grandchild with Empress Cixi with Shi Huangdi of 遠山日出弥 Hideya Toyama (Hideyo Noguchi) of the Emperor Meiji and Midori Noguchi (Yokohama) "Buddha" and 晨-Shin of the empress princess.

Characteristic of the dragon year

Guardian deity Samantabhadra-bodhisattva

World> combination of the ten calendar signs and twelve horary signs> dragon of the Yin Yang method

●This born person says a descending dragon in 1964 in 降琉-Kohryu…former dragon (Kinaoe) 1904. It is a dragon ruining from the sky. It is the person who is easy to derail with free selfishness. Often bluff for short temper and do not have the courage to stand in the front line. Still not like to be employed by a person either. In addition, a heart to like extravagance is strong. With superior trust, Have fortune to develop if serve self with down patience diligently.

●This born person says Underwater Dragon or 臣竜 (Pgagad) in 1976 in 1916 in the fifty-third of the sexagenary cycles. Because sleep & sit, it is the person who is easy to miss Daiun. Therefore, push forward things methodically; of waste when do not act so that there is not it, occasionally miss is ordinary, enjoying it. The pursuit of the gorgeous thing and heterosexual affair must take care of themselves. Succeed without avoiding a careful thing if work diligently.

●This born person is success in life dragon or Tenryu in 1988 in 對龍-Tairyu…fifth Dragon (the soil obtain it and stand) 1928. It is a person blessed with destiny. It is a type to know ten to hear one. However, there is the person who indulge in it, and fails. In addition, become obstinate, and justice and arrogance are made earlier and therefore tend to waste it by oneself. When listen to words of another person and do not moderate self-assertion, it causes a collision immediately and suffers an unexpected loss because originally self-consciousness is strong.

●This born person says a rising dragon in 2000 in 昂譛-Kohshing (Kaanoe) 1940. It is a dragon climbing. Therefore, the fortune is strong, but does not know whether you can finish climbing the world of the sky. Force is too strong and lacks in justice and a human feeling. In addition, it is violent-tempered, and, on the other hand, there is the coward place. It develops if careful not to become selfish without showing off.

●観紳-Mishing (obtain and stand doralgon) 1952 2012 This born person says 隠竜-Inryu. Not often take the public eye while being a genius and am the person who is easy to be over without appearing in the world while having good luck and knowledge. In nothing, Like to lead others while having the ability that only leads others. Dependence is strong and hates to lose and is the type that wants to carry out that think immediately.

Samantabhadra-bodhisattva fugen-bosatu

■ Samantabhadra-bodhisattva Fugen Bodhisattva

47 days head priest of 13 Buddha.

14 Japan and France of the 30th treasured Buddhist statue.

Like Bodhisattva of Wisdom, Cross an image of Buddha with his two Buddhist saints on each sides in Buddha.

The feature is that a crown has five Buddha.

In addition, it is one of the characteristics to ride a white elephant, but there is a considerable variation to this Buddha. There is the type joining its hands in front of a chest.

Said to be Fugen of the mercy for Bodhisattva of wisdom and intellect of the wisdom.

It may be translated as 遍吉菩薩. ■
Fugen prolongation of human life Bodhisattva Fugen prolongation of human life Bodhisattva

Call a Samantabhadra-bodhisattva with Fugen prolongation of human life Bodhisattva by the prolongation of human life method to perform in hope of longevity and the prolongation of human life as the man himself in esoteric Buddhism.

The figure has 二臂 and 二十臂.

In the case of 二臂, considered to be 金剛薩捶 こんごうさったと falling together nickname.

※When count a way of Buddha, it is called 臂 (ひ). For example, a face is three, and a hand is called showing great ability in various fields at the time of six.

Buddha's preach about truth

13 Buddha twenty-five bodhisattva images


The ten celestial stems

Tree fire soil gold water

The twelve signs of the zodiac


The dragon (stand believe) is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac.

It is usually counted to the fifth in the twelve signs of the zodiac.

As for before, 卯, next are 巳.

In the Year of the Dragon, the age that divide age by 12 in the Christian era, and 8 is beyond becomes the age of the dragon.

A month of the dragons is March in the old calendar

In time of the dragon, of the dragon is a direction of the southerliness (south E b N) slightly from east southeast for approximately two hours mainly on 8:00 a.m.

Five lines are Toke

The Yin and Yang is positive.

"The dragon" according to the "Chinese classics" law calendar will "振" (Shin) It is said that the form of the trees and plants expresses a regular state in の meaning) "to be set" "good enough".

The dragon which was a mythological animal was assigned to make it easy to learn it later.

In addition, it is the Year of the Dragon and the Year of the Rat, Year of the Monkey with a current calendar that it is a leap year.

The sexagenary cycle including the dragon

The fifth Dragon



Former dragon

The fifty-third of the sexagenary cycles

It is an acquisition category from " dragon &oldid=46191158":
The sexagenary cycle
A hidden category:
Culture stub

Dragon - Wikipedia


2013-03-01 23:40:54 | 日記





守り本尊 普賢菩薩

陰陽道の世界>十干十二支 >辰

●甲辰(きのえたつ) 明治37年 昭和39年  この生れの人は、降竜といいます。天より地に落ちる竜です。自由気ままで脱線しやすい人です。短気で空いばりすることが多く、第一線に立つほど勇気がありません。かといって人に使われることも好みません。また、華美を好む心が強い。自我を押さへ忍耐と勤勉に勤めれば、目上の信用を得て、発展する運勢を持っています。

●丙辰(ひのえたつ) 大正5年 昭和51年   この生れの人は、伏竜または寝竜といいます。寝ているために、大運をのがしやすい人です。したがってきちょうめんに物事を進め、無駄の無いように行動しないと、世間並みの楽しみも時として逃してしまいます。華美なものや異性関係の追求は、自重せねばなりません。細かいことをきらわずに、マメに働けば成功します。

●戊辰(つちのえたつ) 昭和3年 昭和63年  この生れの人は、出世竜または天竜といいます。天運に恵まれた人です。一を聞いて十を知るタイプです。しかし、それに溺れて失敗する人もいます。また強情になったり正義と高慢さが先に立ち、その為に自ら破滅させる傾向にあります。他人の言葉に耳を傾け、自己主張を控えめにしないと、もともと自我意識が強いので、衝突をすぐにまねき思わぬ損をします。

●庚辰(かのえたつ) 昭和15年 平成12年  この生れの人は、昇竜といいます。登りつつある竜です。したがって運勢は強いのですが、天の世界へ登りきれるかどうかわかりません。勢いが強すぎて義理や人情を欠いたりします。また気が荒く、反面臆病なところもあります。見栄をはらずに我がままにならないように注意すれば、発展します。

●壬辰(みずのえたつ) 昭和27年 平成24年     この生れの人は、隠竜といいます。天才でありながら人目に立たないことが多く、幸運と知識を持ちながら世に出ることなく終わりやすい人です。なにごとにおいても、人の上に立つだけの能力を持ちながら、人の上に立つことを好みません。依頼心が強く、負けず嫌いで、思うことをすぐ実行したがるタイプです。

普賢菩薩 fugen-bosatu

■ 普賢菩薩 ふげんぼさつ







遍吉菩薩と訳される場合もあります。 ■ 
普賢延命菩薩 ふげんえんめいぼさつ





おん さんまや さたばん。

十三仏 二十五菩薩


木 火 土 金 水
陽 甲 丙 戊 庚 壬
陰 乙 丁 己 辛 癸


陽 子 寅 辰 午 申 戌
陰 丑 卯 巳 未 酉 亥






















辰 - Wikipedia

stoker-AAA war crim families…

2013-03-01 15:06:28 | 日記


The Machu Picchu-centered terrorist that there be it, and imprisons fetters to the hostage (captive) of a lot of VIP of the world at the stadium of the new artificial island of Tokyo Bay is my stoker AAA war criminal whole families who continue taking a residence and the property of great-grandparents and grandparents away.

The gene that the reason that "Majiy" (魔爺-devil grandfather) of Machu Picchu of the whole families who partition off "Korea recycling" though it is judged in international law in principal offenders, and it became a law does not stop torments a person.

When it is a girl, the small old man boasting that a person is used to dying misunderstands oneself.

Not watch a mirror… Not like reptiles and a crow… It is the descendant of the direct descendant of "the field savage tribe" which took ooparts from Nazca.

體-Tai called "嵐-Arashi=the storm" that the head of "the Korea recycling" was born between one of Yoshio Suzuki of the scarlet dog and 売-Mai of Machu Picchu in Pyongyang.

A true older brother of the devil grandfather who is said to be the reincarnation in the descendants of the direct descendant of "the younger sister of the black magic" of the Gypsy is "嵐-storm, 體-Tai".

The Korean of an illegal entry caught in Japan becomes the Machu Picchu nationality and seems to sleep after gas-flamed cloth cremation in the graveyard of the tropical rain forest.

Unexplored region Machu Picchu…Illegal stay…Ratio country…The Operation Army…Cowardice…It is a sea-going vessel just after the outbreak of war…Watching games in the ship…Infection in the ship…Encephalitis…It is the Operation Army after the end of the war…

Terrorist…Cyberterrorism…Cracker…The whole families are occupying the artificial island which a Japanese map does not have…Seriousness base…quote information gathering machinery and tools such as U.S. forces weapon "ECHELON" and use it and am using it…

ECHELON…As for the GPS and the Internet and the cell-phone as for the weapon of the military…All the errors are the Filipino whole families of "former Operation Army" named the Korea agent.

300-Three-Hndred Yars' Wr…

As for the war and the civil war and the illness as for terrorism…

It is an enemy in enemies world for 300 years.

The greater serves for the lesser.…Yamato-shi is the Korean Ministry of Construction…I am from Sapporo.

Because the reason that lived in Syonandai, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa from Sapporo was similar in Kotoni of Sapporo.

Ishikawa nearby resembles Hoshioki and Fukuzumi and Hiraoka and Satozuka of Sapporo in Misono of Toyohira-ku, Yamato-shi.

The living person is similar.

It is a reason to go to Yamato-shi well after having lived in Chogo, Fujisawa-shi.

In Sakuragaoka, Yamato-shi, Kanagawa of the town neighboring just after the last World Cup of the car got into trouble, and ordered a tow truck from the company of the automobile insurance.

I was kept waiting for hours and was not gone out of the inside of car for heat stroke.

The person who happened to pass ordered a drink in a convenience store.

The one did an ambulance and the correspondence of the police and was saved thanks to grace.

Imperial family - 織田繪璃奈 Erena Oda (横濱えり Eri Yokohama, Eri Nojima)
藏王彗怜名 Selena Zaoh
樋山イヴ Eve.Ievu Toyama


2013-03-01 15:00:28 | 日記




人が死ぬ事に慣れていると豪語する小さい爺さんは 自分を女児だと勘違いしている。鏡を見ない…爬虫類と烏が苦手… ナスカからオーパーツを奪った『野蛮族』の直系の子孫である。



日本で捕まった 密入国の朝鮮人は マチュピチュ国籍となり、熱帯雨林の墓地で瓦斯火葬の後に眠るらしい。

秘境 マチュピチュ…不法滞在…比国…進駐軍…卑怯…開戦直後海船…船内観戦…船内感染…脳炎…終戦後進駐軍…


ECHELON…GPSもインターネットも携帯電話も軍の兵器も…エラーは全て 朝鮮工作員と名乗る『元進駐軍』のフィリピン人一族。

300-Three-Hndred Yars' Wr… 戦争も内戦も病もテロも…三百年間、世界の 敵で仇。










天皇家 織田繪璃奈(横濱えり・野島えり)
藏王彗怜名 Selena Zaoh
樋山イヴ Eve.Ievu Toyama

2月28日(木)のつぶやき その3

2013-03-01 02:21:52 | 日記


Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 7 RT

岸田外相:在外日本人保護チーム創設表明--外交演説 - 毎日新聞: 岸田文雄外相は28日午後、衆参両院本会議で外交演説を行う。1月のアルジェリア人質事件を受け、海外でのテロ事件などの緊急事態の際、……

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 2 RT

岸田文雄外相…人質事件…テロ事件などの緊急事態の際、即座に現地に赴いて日本人の保護に当たる「緊急展開チーム」を創設する方針…外務省や警察庁など…テロ事件発生した現地へ派遣し、帰国支援や現地国との連携などを行うと想定… #ррр #xxx

ррр《法》首次快企野蛮分出台“”。《法》第十六条指出,“企分作,不得野蛮分,禁抛、踏或者以其他方式造成快件。”反此定,将“由政管理部一万元款;情重的,一万元以上三万元以下的款。”[]者底暗快野蛮分:堆用脚包裹 能抛多就抛…

кккThe terrorist clan of the Omoto total of "the Korea recycling" named the Korea agent is Japan, and the reason no…