arena8order Δ慧會隴

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝頭 Long-Shout Woo-t.a. Earof.

天皇家 織田繪璃奈(横濱えり・野島えり) Freemason

2012-12-31 22:23:36 | 日記


フリーメイソン(英: Freemason)は、16世紀後半から17世紀初頭に、判然としない起源から起きた友愛結社。



フィリピンを追われ、ウランバートルに居た 偽毛沢東の5人の息子達が 横須賀での人質、監禁とサイバー攻撃や遠隔操作と呼ぶ電力無断使用のマイクロ波で威嚇攻撃しながら犯罪を続けている。

標的エリアの地震活動を起こさせる為に 地震研究所のデータベースに進入するハッカーは朝鮮工作員学校に通っていたフィリピンのルバング島出身の『貊穉(白痴)・河馬・蟲・糞・マリーアントワーズ』一族。





Freemason…Eleonora de' Medici.

2012-12-31 22:17:14 | 日記


Freemason (British:) The friendship association which rose from the origin when Freemason) was not clear in the early 17th century from the late 16th century.

The organization of the mark of the eyes of the pyramid of the American $ bill.

I make it strongest in the world and am organized the most fear.

The Philippines is pursued and continues a crime while five sons of false Mao Zedong who was in Ulan Bator attack a threat by a microwave of a hostage in Yokosuka, imprisonment and a cyber attack and remote control and the electricity unauthorized use to call.

The "貊穉 (idiocy), hippopotamus, insect, feces, Mary Ann toise" whole families from the Philippine ルバング island where the hacker who comes in the database of the earthquake research institute to let you cause the seismic activity of the target area went to the Korea agent school.

"A wave gun" and an artificial earthquake to call that the Filipino Korea Operation Army (agent) of the Chinese nationality uses the accumulation of electricity of electric power companies of the world for without permission now.

It is the crime victim of the Philippine (Korea) person of the illegal stay.

There are the WHO and medical institutions of the world and a famous doctor and researcher and the representative of organizations of the world to a hostage imprisoned in Yokosuka by the Filipino terrorist clan of the Chinese nationality a lot.

I would like a medicine stop for blood type R, a suspension demand.

Jihad ( /dhd/; ihd [dihd])…

2012-12-31 14:45:45 | 日記


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Jihad (English pronunciation: /dhd/; Arabic: ihd [dihd]), an Islamic term, is a religious duty of Muslims. In Arabic, the word jihd translates as a noun meaning "struggle". Jihad appears 41 times in the Quran and frequently in the idiomatic expression "striving in the way of God (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)".[1][2][3] A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid; the plural is mujahideen. Jihad is an important religious duty for Muslims. A minority among the Sunni scholars sometimes refer to this duty as the sixth pillar of Islam, though it occupies no such official status.[4] In Twelver Shi'a Islam, however, Jihad is one of the 10 Practices of the Religion.

There are two commonly accepted meanings of jihad: an inner spiritual struggle and an outer physical struggle.[1] The "greater jihad" is the inner struggle by a believer to fulfill his religious duties.[1][5] This non-violent meaning is stressed by both Muslim[6] and non-Muslim[7] authors.

The "lesser jihad" is the physical struggle against the enemies of Islam.[1] This physical struggle can take a violent form or a non-violent form. The proponents of the violent form translate jihad as "holy war",[8][9] although some Islamic studies scholars disagree.[10] The Dictionary of Islam[1] and British-American orientalist Bernard Lewis both argue jihad has a military meaning in the large majority of cases.[11] Some scholars maintain non-violent ways to struggle against the enemies of Islam. An example of this is written debate, often characterized as "jihad of the pen".[12]

According to the BBC, a third meaning of jihad is the struggle to build a good society.[5] In a commentary of the hadith Sahih Muslim, entitled al-Minhaj, the medieval Islamic scholar Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi stated that "one of the collective duties of the community as a whole (fard kifaya) is to lodge a valid protest, to solve problems of religion, to have knowledge of Divine Law, to command what is right and forbid wrong conduct".[13]

ジハード( jihd)…「聖戦」と訳されるが、正しくはない。

2012-12-31 14:43:49 | 日記

ジハード - Wikipedia

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アッラーフ イスラーム
六信 五行
タウヒード ジハード
モスク マドラサ
カアバ ハッジ


ハディージャ アーイシャ
ウマル ウスマーン
アリー ファーティマ
預言者 カリフ
イマーム ウラマー


クルアーン シャリーア
スンナ ハディース




ウンマ ハワーリジュ派
スンナ派 シーア派










ジハード( jihd)は、イスラームにおいて信徒(ムスリム)の義務とされている行為のひとつ。


ジハードは、『クルアーン』に散見される「神の道のために奮闘することに務めよ」という句のなかの「奮闘する」「努力する」に相当する動詞の語根 jahada (ジャハダ、アラビア語: )を語源としており、アラビア語では「ある目標をめざした奮闘、努力」という意味である[1]。この「努力」には本来「神聖」ないし「戦争」の意味は含まれていない。しかし、『クルアーン』においてはこの言葉が「異教徒との戦い」「防衛戦」を指すことにも使われており、これが異教徒討伐や非ムスリムとの戦争をあらわす「聖戦」(「外へのジハード」)の意に転じたのである。したがって、「聖戦」という訳語は、ジハード本来の意味からすれば狭義の訳語ということができる[2][注釈 1]。














「大きなジハード」すなわち「内へのジハード」は、個々人のムスリムの心の中にある悪や不正義、欲望、自我、利己主義と戦って、内面に正義を実現させるための行為のことであり、それだけに、いっそう困難で重要なものとされる[1]。このことに関して、イスラーム共和制をとるイランでは、ラマダーンの期間、「ラマダーン月はジハードの月」などといった標語を掲げることによって、弛緩しがちなムスリムたちの規律を正し、イスラーム共和国の理想を思い起こさせるための行為という意味で「ジハード」の語が用いられる[注釈 2]。イスラームが五行のひとつとして1ヶ月にわたる断食(サウム)を信徒に命じている理由は、人びとに食欲という本能を抑える訓練をさせることによって、精神は肉体よりも強固なものであると自覚させ、同時に食べものへの感謝の念を起こさせるためであるといわれている[5]。

現在、多くの学者は「内へのジハード」を「大ジハード」( al-jihd l-akbar) と呼んでおり、それに対して「外へのジハード」を「小ジハード」( al-jihd l-asghar)と呼んでいる[1]。どちらも、アッラーの命令を完遂できないような環境がつくられないための「奮闘努力」という点では共通している[2]。



"人拐-Hitokai" and "R7"…in Japan

2012-12-31 11:12:45 | 日記

"人拐 -Hitokai" and "R7" of the friend are holding out a siege in Yokosuka.

Twitter / @ tweet

A hostage, imprisonment, a terrorist of the Philippine nationality of "a self-styled Mongolian" holding out a siege are brothers and cousins of the mental diseases of "R7-Level7" in Yokosuka.

It is kuru disease by ska and cannibalism.

There is IQ37, too.

When I do not come back to the mother country, the Filipino of the illegality stay to be in Japan becomes the slaughter punishment (咥号沚).

The top of the various organizations of all Asian countries is imprisoned with fetters in Yokosuka by a terrorist of the Philippines nationality and watches the picture at the time of crimes of the world at any time.

I am Yokohama, Oda, Toyama, 徳保, Zao (蓙甌), the Toda whole families kidnapped in the whole families from Tsunashima, Yokohama-shi and Tokyo on August 10, 1964.

The abdomen was shot in the kidnapping group, and my pregnant mother was born by an emergency surgery of the angel Hospital of Sapporo the next day at 2:45 p.m. on August 11.

"It seemed to be actually a communication hospital".

My whole families misunderstood the place that did "rice cake making" in a house of famous "Mediti." in Italian Hercules's house with the Korean of the house takeover that a Filipino got fixed and heard it when I was kidnapped and was brought in Japan.

"There is the place that was in the Japanese another house again in the mansion" と angry Korean abducts に "to let you live life that it seems to be a Korean in Hokkaido".

At that time, mother seemed to be shot.

It "a false Mongolian Filipino"…The jobless whole families who repeat war and the charity dame only of a famous Philippine developmentally disabled gay in "hyena" "idiocy -Hakuti."

The whole families continue group bullying for time killing by turns for 24 hours.

When it was various "Korean = false "Erena-Ereoana de'mediti"(Eri)" 達 and the world's best victim who it was misunderstood, and was attacked in turn by the whole families that I assumed my name to the whole families, I knew it.

There is the remodeling human being whom the body of the victim of a defoliant assuming my name to a songstress was transfused into.

It is a Filipino man of the Chinese nationality for frame correction to learn muay-thai.

Because the damage of all lines is remarkable, please confirm it by a coup d'etat and cyberterrorism damage any place other than Japan.

I heard it with a race that the whole families of "the mental disease of the severeness" to be called friend and "R7" of the terrorist who answered a telephone mixed the defoliant which one's relative created with dry milk and drank.

The criminal clan who I use a defoliant and a drug with a stimulant regularly, and pretends to be "brain fever" (obstacle)…The terrorist (war crime) whole families.

I heard that I was called R7 = brutal person.

A severe mental disease (mental disorder) leaves from the special room of "人拐 -Hitokai" Korea of the friend of "the kidnapping group" because of a coup d'etat more than three years ago and strikes it from "MM21" of Japanese Yokohama-shi.

#人拐 (kidnapping) 専拾 # 流蛮愚 # exile island # war crime # Operation Army # brass county # 留番愚 #R7 # Kuo # brothel # lover # prison # confinement room # 流吽辺 # 問語留 # 們牛輅 # town shop # 待屋 # 舞區 # stand world # vs. low rank

Ereoana de'mediti
E(A)rena Iajg.ajg.Lancasta Oda Medici Bacckuth Vintevecom Vallantine Brown Yokohama Zaoh Toyama Alcaponelig(Alphonso Capone) (Remirow) Rminmartin