
URL: TEL/FAX:0166-82-6500

【大雪山国立公園・旭岳情報】 真白

2020年08月04日 | 大雪山国立公園旭岳・天人峡情報

【場所】旭岳・姿見の池園地 / Asahidake Sugatami Pond Area
【天候】霧時々雨 / Foggy, rain at times.

Thanks to thick mountain fog, it feels like we are spending the day inside a ping pong ball today.

When your on the roped walking path, the fog has a mysterious feeling to it. But climb up beyond the ropes on the summit trail and it soon becomes hard to see your way and there is a real risk of becoming lost.

【登山道の6合目の付近ですが、下山方向が分かりますか?答えは下にあります / These are from around the 6th station. Can you tell which way goes down? Check the answers below】

Infact, getting lost accounts for almost 40% of summer search and rescue callouts at Asahidake.


With that in mind, days like today are best for wandering around the Sugatami paths, with the alpine flowers adding just a little colour to the grey world.

【ミヤマアキノキリンソウ・Solidago virgaurea subsp. leiocarpa・Miyama Goldenrod】

【中道・Naka Michi】

【チングルマ・Geum pentapetalumAleutian Avens】

【姿見の池なんて、どこ?・Sugatami Pond has disappeared into the mist】

【エゾオヤマリンドウ・Gentiana triflora var. japonica f. montana・Clustered gentian】

下山方向の答え・Descent routes:

【左へ降りてしまったら、旭平です・If you descend to the left, you end up in the Asahi Flats】

【右へ降りてしまったら、地獄谷になります・If you went right, you would end up in Jigokudani (Hell)】


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