


2007-12-29 12:20:12 | 英語情報
Cal-Maine Foodsが、といってもわかりませんよね。卵の会社です。

Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. is primarily engaged in the production, grading, packing and sale of fresh shell eggs. The Company, which is headquartered in Jackson, Mississippi, currently is the largest producer and distributor of fresh shell eggs in the United States and sells the majority of its shell eggs in approximately 29 states across the southwestern, southeastern, mid-western and mid-Atlantic regions of the United States.

鶏を飼って卵を産ませて売る。全米29の州で卵を売ってるんですな。shell eggというのは殻つきの卵って意味ですが、卵に殻がついているのは当たり前じゃないか、という突っ込みは英語圏では通じないってことですかな。



Fred Adams, Jr., chairman and chief executive officer of Cal-Maine Foods, Inc., stated, "We are very pleased with our results for the second quarter of fiscal 2008. These results reflect the favorable market conditions, with egg prices reaching record levels during the quarter. All of our operations performed well during the period. The egg industry has received positive reports from both the medical and nutritional communities, and eggs continue to represent a good value compared with other food products. As a result, demand for fresh eggs was strong for both the retail and food service markets as well as demand for eggs used for liquid, frozen and dried egg products. The export markets have also been very strong this year, and we expect Europe, the United Kingdom, Japan and the Middle East to be good markets for eggs in 2008.

飼料の値段が上がってコスト高になっているものの卵がそれ以上に高く売れてホクホク状態。positive reports from both the medical and nutritional communities ってどんなレポートなんでしょうな。卵は健康に良いってことですかな。




Our net average selling price per dozen of shell eggs for the third quarter of fiscal 2007 was $0.980, compared to $0.741 for the third quarter of fiscal 2006, an increase of 32.3%.



