
Macanとミート矢沢の弁当。  Macan and Bento

ポルシェセンターからのDMで 行くと膝掛けをもらえるそうで、チョット行ってみた。

Macanという Cayenneほど巨大じゃないSUV。サイズは良いのだけれど・・・


一番安いグレード・・・2L 直列4気筒  納期およそ半年

真ん中のグレード・・・3L V型6気筒  納期およそ1年と半年

最上のグレード・・・・3.6L V型6気筒  納期およそ半年

うっ?これって・・・なんか? みたいだなあ・・・








I went to the Porsche Center to get a free blanket - promotional giveaway.  I talked to a sales staff and he told delivery of Macan is as followed: base grade would be 6 months, middle grade is a 18 months and the high end one is 6 month as well as the base grade...

I just came across my mind "Meat Yazawa's beef bento, the most popular Bento at Tokyo Station. Because Middle grade bento is always sold out quickly and higher one and cheaper one are usually available... That's the same as Macan.

Right away I rushed to the Yazawa Meat Bento shop at Tokyo Station on the way back home. Guess what was going on...... yes,  just as I had feared, middle one was all gone. I tell you why everyone loves middle one, both regular steak and hamburger one can be inside the bento.  And it's a shame but I got the cheaper one.

But still it tasted good and I was so happy with my full belly. I've completely got Macan out of my dead by that time. haha !

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